
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Gingerposer, Sep 29, 2003.

  1. Gingerposer

    Steve Guest

    You've got an exceptionally large ego if you think they're looking at /your/
    searches over the other millions of others. At most you are just a
    statistic, sorry to disappoint you.
    Steve, Sep 30, 2003
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  2. Gingerposer

    Champ Guest

    No, but I'm wondering *why* you're recommending that people don't use
    the google toolbar
    Yes, it's factual stuff knitted together for the gullible to leap to
    conclusions e.g.

    "Matt Cutts, a software engineer at Google since January 2000, used to
    work for the National Security Agency and has a top-secret clearance.
    Google would like to hire more like him. Can you trust Google with a
    database of all the search terms you've ever used?"

    The inference is that because an employee used to work for the spooks,
    his new employers can't be trusted - it's just kids stuff.
    Champ, Sep 30, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. Gingerposer

    Jeremy Guest

    Downloaded this morning and it seems effective - lots of nice features
    (vile colour scheme though :( )

    It seems to inhibit the displaying of all gif images on a web page - is
    this normal - couldn't find a setting to alter this behaviour. There is
    an option to bar animated gifs but unchecking this didn't make any
    difference to static ones. Is this normal?
    Jeremy, Sep 30, 2003
  4. Gingerposer

    Champ Guest

    Well, you get a permanent little search term window, so you never have
    to go to itself - that's a least one keyclick saved. Then
    it provides a little drop down of the words in your search, and when
    you click on one of them, it takes you to the occurence of the word in
    the target document. My other favourite feature is the 'up' button,
    that takes you up thru the URL (this needs an eg)....

    Say a google search has taken you to
    Hit the 'up' button, and it takes you to Hit it
    again and it takes you to One last time takes you to If find this very useful.

    Champ, Sep 30, 2003
  5. Only way I can listen to radio 4 during the day is via my computer.
    Which kind of relies on the computer being on.
    Power Grainger, Sep 30, 2003
  6. Gingerposer

    Champ Guest

    even so, you have to click the button and wait for your browser to go
    there, before you can type in your search. With the toolbar, you type
    the search into the little search pane, and click go.
    I find using a browser without it very odd, I'm so used to it
    Champ, Sep 30, 2003
  7. Gingerposer

    Badger Guest

    Probably depends on the values of "slightly". e.g. MILF will be rated
    "systems normal" but "distillery webcam" will get the big red flashy
    Badger, Sep 30, 2003
  8. Gingerposer

    Ben Guest

    And "kiddy porn" will result in "what, another one?"
    Ben, Oct 1, 2003
  9. Yup. *And* has a handy google-search field where you just type in
    your search and hit enter...


    Phil Launchbury, Network & Infrastructure PHB
    Triumph Tiger 955i
    'Do not meddle in the affairs of sysadmins, for they
    are quick to anger and have no need of subtlety'
    Remove sick person to email me
    Phil Launchbury, Oct 1, 2003
  10. Gingerposer

    Switters Guest

    Mozilla has this by default - type stuff into the address bar, and as well
    as matching previous URLs it offers the option to web search.

    Also, highlight some text in a document with the mouse, right click and
    select web search - brilliant.

    - Dave.
    Switters, Oct 1, 2003
  11. Gingerposer

    Switters Guest

    I thought Champers was talking about IE. Oh well.
    Switters, Oct 1, 2003
  12. Gingerposer

    tallbloke Guest

    Yebbut, it's not so much that I have the conceit to think they are
    anxious to know what I'm up to at any given moment. It's more that
    because google archives this stuff (The cookie expires in 2038) they can
    pull out a search history and use it for profiling at any point in the

    Given the increasingley paranoid nature of The US administration and
    it's poodle Mr Tory Bliar, who knows what sort of witch huntery they may
    dream up after the id cards are issued.

    I just don't like being profiled by a commercial company which has you
    agree to them doing more or less what they like with the data they
    gather on you when you click 'yes' in their license agreement, or even
    just use their search engine.

    Targeted advertising annoys me as much as political repression...
    tallbloke, Oct 1, 2003
  13. Gingerposer

    Champ Guest

    I was.
    Champ, Oct 2, 2003
  14. Gingerposer

    christofire Guest

    Why? Proxomitron kills popup windows, and if you don't want to kill
    them you just hit "bypass", do whatever needed popups and then return to
    christofire, Oct 8, 2003
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