
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Juco, Apr 26, 2004.

  1. Juco

    Juco Guest

    Does anyone know the `legal` answer to this,its actually 2 cars but could be
    same with bikes.
    my son is insured on wifes car policy,she reversed into his car, insurance
    won`t pay, they advised she can`t sue herself!
    If the above is eventually proved true I must check insurance through carol
    nash for my bikes as I have 3 insured through them on one policy one of
    which is my wifes in theory the same could apply.

    Anyone come across this before.
    Juco, Apr 26, 2004
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  2. Juco

    YTC#1 Guest


    So your sons car is in your wifes name. So it is not really his car, and
    when the insurance company find out she is not the main driver they are
    going to void any accident claims.
    Boy , you have one f*&ked up insurance.
    If the bikes are on one policy they must be in one name, yours or you
    wifes ? Which is it?
    Mulitbike policies can only have 1 named.
    YTC#1, Apr 26, 2004
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  3. Juco

    Juco Guest

    No.. It has the two of us as named drivers on all bikes, I may well be the
    policy holder but must check that one out. In any case if I ride one of the
    bikes into the drive and crash into one of my other bikes ....what no claim!
    Think I need to check and review my policies.
    Juco, Apr 26, 2004
  4. Not my classic policy. The Doctor is named on all the SOBs.
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 27, 2004
  5. Juco

    YTC#1 Guest

    I asked CN about having multibike policy with multi named riders, they said "no"
    as any claim in the event of both vehicles crashing (into each other) would be imposible due
    to policy being in the same name and the need to "do" yourself.
    YTC#1, Apr 27, 2004
  6. Juco

    YTC#1 Guest

    Is it a mulitbike policy (One policy 3 bikes) or multiple policies ?
    If the former I would be interested in being able to obtain one myself.
    YTC#1, Apr 27, 2004
  7. Juco

    Rexx Guest

    Makes perfect sense to me.
    Rexx, Apr 27, 2004
  8. Juco

    wessie Guest

    The Older Gentleman wrote in :
    Does it cover you to have 2 bikes on the road at any one time?

    The old "NU rider" policy [1] worked on the theory that a rider can only
    have one bike on the road at a particular time which is what I think Bruce
    is rabbitting on about.

    [1] which never specified what bikes were covered unlike a multibike policy
    that lists each bike in the schedule
    wessie, Apr 27, 2004
  9. Juco

    YTC#1 Guest

    Me to, but I am a TC , so will be corrected forever.
    YTC#1, Apr 27, 2004
  10. In answer to the Q - no idea. We are now about to find out how good the
    cover is (see The Doctor Down thread).
    The Older Gentleman, Apr 27, 2004
  11. Juco

    YTC#1 Guest

    Nope, rabbiting on about current CN policies.
    They were good those wern't they :)
    YTC#1, Apr 27, 2004
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