Accidents and coinkydinks

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by DR, Aug 26, 2004.

  1. DR

    DR Guest

    Today is the 365th day since I had my off, and (with the help of a
    Renault driver) managed to destroy a perfectly good Bandit 600.

    There has just been another accident (not involving me this time!) on
    the same stretch of road.

    DR, Aug 26, 2004
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  2. DR

    JB Guest

    1 accident per annum. Hmm.
    Obviously an accident blackspot! Must wrtite to your MP and get a Gatso on
    that stretch immediately.....

    JB, Aug 26, 2004
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  3. DR

    Christofire Guest

    There's one stretch of road I dislike as it seems to have it in for me.

    I was knocked off my 2nd bike just after a crossroads on Winstanley
    Road in '97, writing off the bike and the car and earning me a nice
    trip in the big white van.

    The next time I travelled along that road by bike it was on the SV over
    5 years later. As I hit what must've been within 5 yards of the
    accident spot the front sprocket worked itself loose, such that the
    seal was broken and engine oil started coming out, liberally coating
    the back wheel. How I made it round those next few corners I don't

    I'm not keen on returning to that spot.
    Christofire, Aug 26, 2004
  4. DR

    Lozzo Guest

    Christofire says...
    Adelaide Square in Bedford. I've had 5 accidents on that 200 yard
    stretch of road and avoided it on a bike for nearly 15 years. Then when
    she was about 9, my middle daughter wanted me to take her to school and
    collect her on my first ZZR1100, and her school's entrance is slap bang
    in the middle of the square. Talk about riding defensively.
    Lozzo, Aug 26, 2004
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