
Discussion in 'Bay Area Bikers' started by C, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. C

    C Guest

    My friend had an accident this morning. We are'nt sure what needs to
    be done besides calling the insurance Company. The bike is damaged and
    he's slightly injured. He does have the insurance info for the other
    Please let me know.

    C, Jan 9, 2004
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  2. C

    flint Guest

    So, um, what's your question?

    Flint Hahn
    flint, Jan 9, 2004
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  3. C

    barbz Guest

    Unfortunately, I found it's necessary to engage a lawyer, as you can't
    expect a fair deal from insurance companies.

    He needs to file an accident report (SR something, not 71 blackbird)

    Then you turn the lawyer loose on the other driver's insurance company.
    Mind you, this assumes your friend was not at fault. Accident lawyers
    work on the assumption that your case is a valid one, and will generally
    ask for around 1/3 of the settlement.

    I thought this was a good deal, compared with what I would have received
    without the shark.

    barbz (beneficiary of 2 lawsuits involving negligent yuppie drivers with
    NPR stickers in their back window)
    barbz, Jan 9, 2004
  4. Interesting. My experience with insurance companies is that it was
    going to cost me 1/3 of the settlement to retain a lawyer, with no
    real upside available. Of course, in this particular case the fault
    was painfully obvious (the cop behind her in traffic watched her run
    the red light and hit me), so there wasn't much room for them to

    The original author almost certainly needs to file an accident report,
    form SR-1.

    Patti Beadles, Jan 9, 2004
  5. C

    Cyrus Vesuna Guest

    Thanks for the SR-1 and other suggestions.


    The other person (lady L), has accpeted fault 100% (only verbally
    nothing in writing), the police office on the scene who was passing by and
    stopped when this happened, asked my friend if he wanted to
    file a report (or settle directly with Lady L) , but my friend, who I guess was in a daze, said no for the report, and the lady agreed to pay his damages (again verbally).
    Lady L accepted fault in front of the cop too, however, since
    nothing was filed, nothing is on record.

    The estimate on the bike is that its totalled,(its a 2001 SV650
    and the estimate is 4K which I guess would qualify it as totalled?)
    and since he does not have collision insurance its going to
    mean recovering from the other party's insurance. (He spoke with her and she does not/cannot cover that amount out of her pocket and asked him to talk to her insurance company) I guess this will be a nightmare trying to
    collect w/o a lawyer?

    I'm looking for advise, and some reco. to a injury lawyer.
    (The SR-1 will be filed soon, he's on his way)

    Sorry for the haphazard details.

    Any feedback / recos will be really appreciated.


    On Fri, 9 Jan 2004, C wrote:

    | >Date: 9 Jan 2004 12:15:46 -0800
    | >From: C <>
    | >Newsgroups:
    | >Subject: Accident
    | >
    | >Hi,
    | >My friend had an accident this morning. We are'nt sure what needs to
    | >be done besides calling the insurance Company. The bike is damaged and
    | >he's slightly injured. He does have the insurance info for the other
    | >driver/vehicle.
    | > Please let me know.
    | >
    | >Thanks
    | >Cyrus
    | >
    Cyrus Vesuna, Jan 10, 2004
  6. That has not been my experience at all, no. If the other user is
    clearly at fault, then it seems likely that you will be able to get
    a property damage settlement quite easily.

    Have your friend hunt down some comparables though (newspapers,
    dealers, Craigslist, etc.) in case they come back with a lowball
    offer. If he has any documentation as to the condition of the bike,
    and/or receipts for add-ons, those may come in handy as well.

    Does your friend have the contact information for the officer who
    stopped? If not, have him try to get it ASAP, just in case.

    Patti Beadles, Jan 10, 2004
  7. C

    Rich Guest

    He will have to file a report with the DMV, since there is personal
    injury. I'd recommend that your friend see a doctor so that he can
    get an assessment of his injuries and prepare a narrative of the
    accident to keep his memory fresh and his facts in order.

    R, UB
    Rich, Jan 10, 2004
  8. C

    barbz Guest's a fact that the two accidents I've been in both involved cars
    with NPR stickers on them. They were both at fault, too.

    I seriously doubt that the presence of an NPR sticker really indicates
    superior intelligence. They put it there because that's what they want
    you to think.

    barbz, Jan 10, 2004
  9. C

    cstatman Guest


    I keep trying to ignore this thread, hoping that, much like old dog poop,
    it will dry up, turn flaky, and go away.

    But since you keep rehashing it, I cannot help but to comment.

    I am a biker. I ride as often as I can. I also listen to NPR. I also
    send in donations and support my local public radio station, as well as
    at the national level.

    And I think your stereotyping of NPR listners is just like the soccer
    moms who think every motorcyclists is a Leather clad gang member looking
    to rape and pillage.

    Folks who listen to NPR are less likely to have the hate-filled rage of
    AM Talk radio listners. less likely to be deaf from high decible
    "pop/rap", and more likely to think while driving, maybe paying a
    little attention to the road.

    True, the presence of a sticker means nothing, maybe the previous car
    owner put it there.

    But if you want to fit in with the standard biker prejudices, you gotta
    hate: Volvos, Mini-Vans and cars sporting "I Love Soccer" stickers.
    Not NPR.

    just my opinion, but had to voice it.

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, Jan 10, 2004
  10. C

    barbz Guest

    LOL...I'm just messing with your head! What I "hate" is negligent
    drivers. Not my fault some of them happen to have NPR stickers on their
    cars. For all the jokes about Chinese drivers, it's interesting that I
    only had 1 incident in the whole time I was messenging with one.

    Therefore we can conclude from the following data
    Chinese drivers 1
    NPR stickers 2

    that NPR listeners are twice as bad as Chinese drivers.

    Careful...I'm messing with you again!
    barbz, Jan 10, 2004
  11. C

    muddycat Guest

    You forgot Ford Exploders.


    Testing the limits of gravity since 1947.

    icq - 219328929
    muddycat, Jan 10, 2004
  12. actually, I find the gargantuan Expeditions to be the worst at abrupt
    unsignalled lane changes and such. Close behind them and catching up fast
    is the new generation of monster Toyota SUVs (whatever they are calling
    the jumbo Land Cruiser these days).
    John R Pierce, Jan 10, 2004
  13. C

    muddycat Guest



    Testing the limits of gravity since 1947.

    icq - 219328929
    muddycat, Jan 10, 2004
  14. Ejaculations.

    Patti Beadles, Jan 10, 2004
  15. C

    cstatman Guest

    not really. after the last few icky mjonths of chemo, my head is quite
    straight. I took the sportster out yesterday for my first ride since
    august, and it was great. By the end of the day I was back to riding by
    instinct, dragging knees, trail braking, wheelies, and backing it into
    corners. Yes, on a harley.
    of 4 wheels and 2. we all agree on this.
    do you mean Asian? or actually Chinese? Cause I've had a Korean Lady
    sideswipe me, a Vietnamese lady hit my truck in a parking lot, and a
    Tibetan knocked over my bike at a restaurant.
    I'd say your data set was very incomplete, and built on spurious evidence
    gathering technique.


    but come to Mike's Nekkid Ride in SC, and we'll see who messes....


    YAY! back to riding!

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, Jan 12, 2004
  16. C

    cstatman Guest

    Thanks Ray,
    yep, I felt human again....

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, Jan 12, 2004
  17. C

    barbz Guest

    Oh gawd! Trust me, THAT you don't wanna see! Blue is not my color!

    barbz, Jan 12, 2004
  18. C

    cstatman Guest

    excuses excuses. My bike is blue. it looks fine.

    the pale hairless man on top of it may be another story...

    Assuring you of my best intentions at all times,

    Charles Statman
    Rocket Scientist/Wonderboy/Women's Legs Shaven

    DoD the Un-Numbered One
    cstatman, Jan 13, 2004
  19. C

    Thomas Wong Guest

    I didn't know people in California even knew what signals were for, most
    people think it is optional equipment. I own a expedition and I do
    signal and like that my mirrors have a signal on it for all ya bikers
    that like to share a lane with my vehicle.
    Thomas Wong, Feb 7, 2004
  20. C

    Eric Guest

    Oh, i dunno. I saw someone signal perfectly responsibly today just before
    turning onto Fell St. in SF going the wrong direction. :)
    Eric, Feb 7, 2004
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