
Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Brian, Oct 2, 2004.

  1. Brian

    gomez Guest

    Yes it is.
    gomez, Oct 6, 2004
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  2. Brian

    tallbloke Guest

    Ok, so why is one example an acronym and the other an abbreviation (according
    to Dave) then?
    tallbloke, Oct 6, 2004
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  3. Brian

    Verdigris Guest

    I usually kill a thread as soon as he gets involved, because they nearly
    all degenerate into tedium. At best, they're like the dead cat you found
    in the gutter as a kid: there's an almost uncontrollable urge to poke it
    with a stick and watch the maggots squirm.
    Verdigris, Oct 6, 2004
  4. Brian

    gomez Guest

    Ask Dave. I understand them to be both acronyms.
    gomez, Oct 6, 2004
  5. Brian

    Pip Guest

    That's quality vileocity, Mr. V.
    Pip, Oct 7, 2004
  6. Not with any authority it hasn't, though Ivan remains to be convinced.
    In fact the definition quoted above says it is, as long
    as you take "word" as meaning something like "a string of lexical
    characters that can be pronounced following the customary spelling rules
    of the language concerned". No normal English speaker would call USMC,
    or BNP, or Msc, or PhD, or NSPCC "words", they are unequivocally
    abbreviations. But WAC, RoSPA, LASER, NATO etc are abbreviations that
    are almost invariable expressed as words, that is they are acronyms.

    It is the absolute essence of an acronym that it is an abbreviation that
    is pronounceable following the conventional spelling rules of the
    language concerned. The discussion has taken a side track or two with

    If you say an acronym is any kind of abbreviation, pronounceable or not,
    then you are simply taking acronym and abbreviation as synonyms.

    Look it up in the Oxford English Dictionary.

    Dave OSOS#24 Remove my gerbil for email replies

    Yamaha XJ900S & Wessex sidecar, the sexy one
    Yamaha XJ900F & Watsonian Monaco, the comfortable one
    Dave Swindell, Oct 7, 2004
  7. Brian

    Porl Guest

    Mentioned it to the SO (she's Czech) and she insisted I point out that it's
    a drink for old ladies. Slovovice is the true way.
    Porl, Oct 7, 2004
  8. If you pronounce USMC as a word, rather than spelling it out letter by
    letter, and are understood by everybody around you, then USMC is an

    USA *could* be pronounced as a word and thus be an acronym, but I've
    never heard anybody say it seriously, it is invariably spelled out
    letter by letter, so it is an abbreviation, or some would say an
    "initialism", which is another class of abbreviation typified by being
    constructed from the initial letters of the constituent words of the
    phrase it is used to express.

    "Acronym" is a particular subset of the general term "abbreviation",
    which includes a number of different types of abbreviation other than

    So all acronyms are abbreviations, but not all abbreviations are

    All scooters are two-wheeled motorised vehicles, but not all two-wheeled
    motor vehicles are scooters.

    Dave OSOS#24 Remove my gerbil for email replies

    Yamaha XJ900S & Wessex sidecar, the sexy one
    Yamaha XJ900F & Watsonian Monaco, the comfortable one
    Dave Swindell, Oct 7, 2004
  9. Brian

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Lady Nina wrote:

    Yes. My stuff has been packed, and is en route to Kuwait.
    Yes. Thanks. Same deal. I'll reply when I get there.
    Ben Blaney, Oct 7, 2004
  10. Brian

    Eiron Guest

    Look up /synonym/ in the OED.

    If you say an Ford is any kind of car, driveable or not,
    then you are simply taking Ford and car as synonyms.

    Now do you see the flaw in your logic?
    Eiron, Oct 7, 2004
  11. Brian

    Catman Guest

    Is it now? Oh well, my SO calls me an old woman at times.
    Catman MIB#14 SKoGA#6 TEAR#4 BOTAFOF#38 Apostle#21 COSOC#3
    Tyger, Tyger Burning Bright (Remove rust to reply)
    Alfa 116 Giulietta 3.0l (Really) Sprint 1.7 75 2.0 TS
    Triumph Speed Triple: Black with extra black bits
    Catman, Oct 7, 2004
  12. Brian

    darsy Guest

    actually, only the secondary 19" monitor is a Samsung SyncMaster
    thingy, the one I'm actually looking at is a 21" Dell-branded Sony
    darsy, Oct 7, 2004
  13. Brian

    darsy Guest

    J2EE: in very many ways I can't believe how shite it all is - take
    entity beans, say - what a load of pointless abstractional bollocks.
    Though I guess it makes it possible for mongs who can't write a
    transaction block to access a RDBMS (speaking of which, several people
    on the course have admitted to not knowing SQL...).

    Today we're doing web-tier stuff, which is more my bag, but as you
    say, the inefficiency seems to have been introduced across the board
    for it's own sake. Actually, that's not true - in actual fact the
    whole thing just reeks of "designByCommittee".
    darsy, Oct 7, 2004
  14. Brian

    tallbloke Guest

    <patiently waits for Dave to read subthread>
    tallbloke, Oct 7, 2004
  15. Brian

    tallbloke Guest

    An Ford. Wasn't she a tv presenter?
    tallbloke, Oct 7, 2004
  16. Brian

    tallbloke Guest

    I certainly agree that although Gomez might be able to pronounce USMC, any
    member of that force who heard himself being referred to as "'ossmuck" or
    something similar prolly wouldn't take too kindly to it ;-)
    tallbloke, Oct 7, 2004
  17. Brian

    tallbloke Guest

    Oops, sorry Dave, shoulda checked first :eek:)
    tallbloke, Oct 7, 2004
  18. Brian

    tallbloke Guest

    The Samsung is a flatscreen?
    tallbloke, Oct 7, 2004
  19. Brian

    darsy Guest

    can't be me, obviously.
    darsy, Oct 7, 2004
  20. Brian

    darsy Guest

    the 19" Samsung I was referring to is a CRT monitor, but I have a 17"
    flatscreen Samsung on my library PC - it's a nice piece of kit,
    darsy, Oct 7, 2004
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