A year gone by

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by PeterT, Oct 14, 2003.

  1. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    I just had a quick browse of what has been the most
    popular thread each month over the last year.

    September 2003
    1. my 1st crash...................................: 300 10.0 1.2%

    August 2003
    1. French petrol stations.........................: 909 29.3 4.0%

    July 2003
    1. Lord Archer....................................: 440 14.2 2.0%

    June 2003
    1. stolen from uk.legal...........................: 408 13.6 1.9%

    May 2003
    1. Test the nation................................: 348 11.2 1.6%

    April 2003
    1. OT: Religion in schools...........................: 532 17.2 2.1%

    March 2003
    1. OT: 300 f*****g quid???...........................: 240 8.0 1.2%

    February 2003
    1. Fooling the Congestion Charge cameras.............: 662 21.4 3.2%

    January 2003
    1. OT: Gulf War......................................: 480 17.1 2.4%

    December 2003
    1. Have we done this yet?............................: 510 17.0 3.4%

    November 2003
    1. OT (maybe): Remembrance Day.......................: 359 12.0 1.7%

    October 2003
    1. Dear Bear (Part Deux).............................: 422 14.1 2.1%

    So it looks like the writing was on the wall since last October.
    PeterT, Oct 14, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  2. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    s/December 2003/December 2002/g
    s/November 2003/November 2002/g
    s/October 2003/October 2002/g
    PeterT, Oct 14, 2003
    1. Advertisements

  3. PeterT

    PeterT Guest

    Doc Gonz0
    As there is no clique, there can be no hidden newsgroup and here is
    no password [1]

    [1] <fx: scratches left nostril with right hand>
    PeterT, Oct 14, 2003
    1. Advertisements

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