A UKRM retreat

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Sorby, Mar 1, 2005.

  1. Sorby

    platypus Guest

    Kitchen: Beer
    Telephone: Food
    platypus, Mar 2, 2005
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  2. Sorby

    Salad Dodger Guest

    All you youngsters with your big mortgages: I don't know how you sleep
    at night.
    What sir wants is a nice, non-contrib, final salary scheme. Preferably
    with 24 years built up.
    Salad Dodger, Mar 3, 2005
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  3. Sorby

    Salad Dodger Guest

    There's a 2 bed flat over the road available for £290 a week.

    Shall I put your name down?
    Salad Dodger, Mar 3, 2005
  4. Sorby

    Jim Crowther Guest

    I have/had one with contrib, and with company contribution holidays
    (Grr...). Still blinding value. <smug>.

    All you youngsters out there, get yourselves some decent pension advice.
    Decent mark you, not from a salesman. One day you'll GRIN!
    And take it from someone who cashed the check yesterday, a Mortgage
    Protection policy is very, VERY good value.

    Sad circumstances here, but GBP2,200 premiums over ten years converted
    into GBP42,000 cash. A sanity saver.
    Jim Crowther, Mar 3, 2005
  5. Sorby

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Plan for downtime, and maintenance costs (all payable in pounds
    sterling, not RMB).
    It is. The food is great, and it's a hell of an experience. I didn't
    really like China that much, though.
    Ben Blaney, Mar 3, 2005
  6. Sorby

    Bob Mc Guest

    So, I'd maintain that in Enfield, renting is at least 25% more
    expensive than buying.

    You forgot to calculate house repairs etc. that are paid for in the rental.
    Bob Mc, Mar 3, 2005
  7. Sorby

    darsy Guest


    I'd hardly expect "house repairs" to amount to anything close to 25% of
    my annual mortgage payments.
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  8. Sorby

    Champ Guest

    What about us old folk with big mortgages?
    Champ, Mar 3, 2005
  9. Sorby

    darsy Guest

    Having a large amount of positive equity helps a lot. In a way it's
    just like paying a large-ish rent, with the theoretical ability to
    realise well over 100K in cash should it be necessary.
    we have a reasonably good pension scheme here (unsurprising really
    given how many pension funds we manage) but it's still not going to be
    worth very much, adjusted for projected inflation. I'd definitely
    prefer just to own something readily convertible into a large sum of
    inflation-adjusted cash.
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  10. Sorby

    darsy Guest

    there you go - you've hardly been there a few months, and you've
    already fallen into the NI mindset of thinking anyone else outside the
    province really gives much of a shit what goes on there.
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  11. Sorby

    Champ Guest

    The basis used in commercial property is that you should set aside 2%
    of property value per annum. The leasehold payments I make on my flat
    approximate to this.
    Champ, Mar 3, 2005
  12. Sorby

    darsy Guest


    There's no way my house will need >6K of repairs each year - that sort
    of formula completely ignores regional pricing variation - you can't
    really be saying a 4 bedroom house in Enfield requires 5 times as much
    expenditure per year than a 4 bedroom house in Scotland?

    We could have new double glazing every year for that sort of money.

    It hasn't needed anything really in the three years I've owned it.

    Well, we had the central heating serviced, but that cost 50 quid.

    Even if you count "elective surgery" - the new kitchen, new shower
    unit, decorating, we probably spend less than 1.5K a year on the house.

    It probably helps that the previous owners had the place rewired and
    re-roofed within the past 10 years, mind.

    Oh, and I'm just about to pay a tree surgeon 150 quid to trim a birch
    back - does that count?
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  13. Sorby

    Champ Guest

    You are, of course, quite right.
    Commercial property owners need to budget for large 'exceptional'
    costs over time, so things like a new roof, which is obviously
    expensive, but not done very often, needs to be accounted for. I only
    know this cos a friend has recently opened a hair salon [1], and she
    was advised to budget the 2% figure.

    [1] yes, ha ha
    Champ, Mar 3, 2005
  14. Sorby

    darsy Guest

    I wouldn't dream of it.
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  15. Sorby

    'Hog Guest

    Oh no not at all, my daily dealings with Govmint make that patently
    obvious, indeed the equivalent South is somewhat more useful. My thought
    were, if some splinter decided to pull a stunt, well they have learned
    that the financial districts in London are the only targets worth going

    'Hog, Mar 3, 2005
  16. Sorby

    'Hog Guest

    You seem to have omitted accounts of the Tottie?

    'Hog, Mar 3, 2005
  17. Sorby

    darsy Guest

    fair enough.
    Well, I'm sitting here in a building next door to The Old Bailey, two
    doors away from the London Stock Exchange, and across the road from
    Merrill Lynch - do I look worried?

    Actually, I think I might just nip out for a moment...
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  18. Sorby

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Fantastic shitters.
    Ben Blaney, Mar 3, 2005
  19. Sorby

    darsy Guest

    I do hope you're using that word as a noun.
    darsy, Mar 3, 2005
  20. Sorby

    'Hog Guest

    That's Nina sold then

    'Hog, Mar 3, 2005
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