A twin does 14000rpm!

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by JB, May 21, 2004.

  1. JB

    JB Guest

    Honestly. It really does. 14000rpm no problem. And without going bang.
    Took SO's ZZR250 in for an MOT this afternoon. About 25 miles round trip of
    country lanes. Never ridden it more than half a mile before. What a strange
    wee beastie indeed. It is actually too small for me. Bearing in mind I am
    5'5" with very short legs and I felt like the bike was a pessary!
    It weighs absolutely *sod all*. You can chuck it round the lanes near here
    with *total* abandon. Just bloody great. The massive front disk is awesome
    for a light bike like this. It's a 4-stroke 250LC I swear. I wish I'd had
    one like this when I was 17 and my mates got the first LCs and X7s and I had
    a shite old Dream. No wonder she likes it. I think I'll take it out for
    another thra<<<cough, cough>>> shakedown.

    JB, May 21, 2004
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  2. I wondered that. Thinking a bike is a pessary - must
    be a woman.
    Steve Brassett, May 21, 2004
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  3. JB

    JB Guest

    Nah just got a small arse and the seat is bloody tiny compared to my normal
    barge (FJ1100).
    Make no mistake though, if I can put both feet flat on the ground, it is a
    *small* bike.
    JB, May 21, 2004
  4. I was just wondering why you thought that the bike
    was a pessary rather than a suppository - that was why
    I wondered if you were female.
    Steve Brassett, May 21, 2004
  5. JB

    JB Guest

    My poor choice of words then! I think I must have meant suppository. <note
    to self> Must consult dictionary before using 'descriptive language' next
    Anyhow it is a damn narrow seat!

    JB, May 21, 2004
  6. JB

    Jules Guest

    Bah. I rode one of these for 40,000km over a few years and I'm 6'1. Was
    a lot more comfortable than many larger bikes I've ridden.

    Jules, May 22, 2004

  7. Hello there, didn't you buy the bike from me, the blue and silver one which
    had engine problems? How much work did it take getting it back up and
    running properly?

    Glad its being put to good use.

    Dan TM.
    Daniel the Manual, May 23, 2004
  8. JB

    JB Guest

    Sure did Dan! Whole new engine though, you animal! <g> Components shagged
    out at 20950 list: Crank, rod, crankcase, gear selectors....the list goes
    Nice little bike though. You can chuck it around the nastiest of corners and
    amazingly actually keep it on the road. Does superb stoppies too. That front
    brake would embarras most 600s.
    New owner (hopefully) comes to collect it later in the week though. (SO has
    taken a shine to an XR or DRZ instead.)

    JB, May 23, 2004
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