A Triumph for America

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    I'm disappointed in myself for being curious as to what is going to
    happen with the $25 million bounty.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
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  2. Bill Walker

    Waco Guest

    Nor do we much care. I guess it sucks to be you.
    Waco, Dec 17, 2003
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  3. oh absolutely, that's our oil they're sittin' on, dammit. slightly
    different situation tho', they are our "allies" <coff>

    the method will be to let the royals slowly twist in the wind, as
    withdrawing our presence has already started, and iraq becomes home to
    new macdonalds franchises and footlocker stores. they can have their
    silly religions, we just want the oil and money.

    as saudi has to contend with more and more violent fundamentalist
    activity (they are a big target of obl), the house o saud will be caught
    between a rock and hard place as keepers of the most holy shrines in
    islam, yet having to move forward to deal with a modern world and it's
    oil trade. once iraq is finally pacified, and that's not that far off,
    saudi will have the worst competion they have ever faced within opec,
    the combination of iraq and kuwaiti production under ths auspices of
    american guidance and corporate payoffs. capitalism at work at its
    finest is not to be screwed with, no joke.

    gotta keep oil supplies up to ride thse bikes.

    i can't say this line enough.


    '73 R75/5 Toaster (not for sale)
    '99 R1100RT (in use)
    '00 FLHRCI (sold!)
    Iron Butt Assoc, WATR 3X, EIEIO, AEIOU etc blah blah
    another viewer, Dec 17, 2003
  4. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    My response on this posting is to Oma.. I snipped it entirely for the sake
    of bandwidth and because we know what it says.. Any doubt can be resolved by
    reviewing the comments on Google..
    Having had the pleasure of your company in Ft.Worth, I am impressed with
    your sincerity and genuine concern for our current events..
    Conversationally, my friend, we are engaged in a battle for our way of life
    in our state and nation.. Events that have developed, just in the past few
    days are more than encouraging.. If you paid attention when I spoke in
    Ft.Worth, I remind you that part of our responsibility as citizens, is to
    maintain control and support for our elected representatives.. Although I am
    obviously a democrat, there is no assurance they are above the influence of
    special interests and corporate corruption.. We must ensure that it doesn't
    happen..That means, to me, that we should take advantage of any forum
    available to make sure that we are being represented.. I use this forum
    quite a lot, as well as others.. I also am visible and vocal in any
    gathering before any audience.. Republican or Democrat.. I appreciate men
    like you, who are thoughtful and consider what they see and hear..You are
    the ones I fight for and defend to the death..The inevitable selection of
    George W.Bush for the next four years is not a done deal, as long as men
    like you and me are breathing..Our outrage at the corruption we see in our
    government is the salvation of our democracy and way of life.. While men
    like us may become discouraged, it is not a given that the existing
    corruption will succeed.. On the contrary, I suggest that regardless of who
    is in the office, men like us will exercise our way of life and be a thorn
    in their side which they so detest and actually fear..I remember the brief
    conversation we had that day.. and you have no idea how much I respected
    your views.. My message to you and to the many who keep you company is.. Our
    state house is not for sale.. Our whitehouse is not for sale.. Regardless of
    how much money is raised for campaign funding.. No matter how many $2,000.00
    dollar a plate hot dog dinners is paid for.. no one can buy our government
    and take away our liberties and freedoms.. We are among the many who love
    our nation, our state and our families.. And we will not be sold out by
    corrupt politicians and corrupt corporations.. Have faith, my brother, the
    opera isn't over till the fat lady sings.. We are taking back our
    government, one vote at a time.. In the words of Sputnik, if the Democratic
    Party wants to help us to do this, then they can either lead us or they can
    follow us..Either way, WE will be the ones to break the trail and recover
    what has been lost over the past few years... Thanks again Oma, my friend..
    you are necessary and you are the key..

    Your sincere friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well said and very appropriate, my good friend..Let me add, I have met and
    talked with another good man, who made that post.. Please don't get the
    impression that he would advocate any thing other than what you have
    declared ..On his behalf, I believe that he shares the same values as
    you..Oma has been on this group for a long time.. Mostly as an observer and
    has watched and weighed carefully before he posts here.. For whatever
    reason, he has posted more today than I have seen from him.. His concern for
    our country and the very way of life for you, me and the many others around
    us, is sincere and from the heart..He isn't a radical liberal of my kind..
    He is a soft spoken and cautious man who works for his living and provides
    for his family..He is a man who should be heard and listened to..I know that
    your own sense of fairness and good will is as much in defense of Oma as I
    know that you have defended me, when you thought that I was being unfairly
    attacked... This man , you , me and my good friend Waco, talking to each
    other, is the worst nightmare for any corrupt politician.. We all have the
    same things in common..

    Sincerely... Your very good friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  6. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    What makes you think so?


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  7. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    I'm seeing this pretty much the same way.
    No kidding!
    Yeah, my wife and I are buying and using our share. :)
    Problems arise when different people learn different lessons from
    different "histories".

    It doesn't matter where you live, if your primary source for history
    lessons is the state you live under, you're probably going to adopt
    the headsets and approaches the state wants you to.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  8. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    I'm just curious...what is it that you have against Dean?

    I personally doubt he'd win the election, but I would like to know
    what it is that you dislike about him being President.
    Brian Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  9. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Many screwed up people say exactly what you just said....until they
    have someone invade their "domain" and take what they want...just as
    you've said.

    You have some odd views there. I don't understand how someone who has
    views like you just put in writing can become any part of a public
    servant who's job is to do absolutely nothing other than to help
    others. I see many who are like that though...most will have someone
    being beaten by thugs right in front of them and won't stop writing a
    parking ticket to even so much as ask if the person needs help.
    They'll pull up to a crime scene where someone had been raped or
    robbed and start telling the victim what they can't do even before
    getting out of their car.

    You seem to look out for only you and yours...and **** anyone else.

    If I have this wrong, then please point out where you demonstrate it
    in your posting.
    Brian Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  10. Bill Walker

    Waco Guest

    Well, you were the one bemoaning the cluelessness of the American public.
    And you were the one inferring that our way of life bears some cost by the
    rest of the world. And you were the one equating the U.S. with most of the
    empires in history.

    It surely doesn't bother me. Egro, I guess it sucks to be you..to be
    bothered so much.

    BTW, I disagree that EVERYONE in the U.S. doesn't know a THING at ALL about
    how our way of life might affect the rest of the world. And I disagree that
    our way of life affects of the REST of the world. You should never, never
    use any absolutes in any statement that's meant to be taken seriously.

    Just my 2 coppers.
    Waco, Dec 17, 2003
  11. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I'll just throw my couple in, my friend .. And I will just refer to the
    response I made to my friend IceMan..If you would take the time, maybe it
    will give you some insight into this good man.. I don't know him quite as
    well as I feel I know you, but my impression is that you and he would be
    very good friends, up close and in person..I wouldn't presume to talk anyone
    into anythig or out of anything.. Think about it for a bit.. OK..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  12. Bill Walker

    IceMan Guest

    Every time I have seen him doing anything he is screaming. everything that
    happens according to him is some kind of conspiracy. He does not present
    himself has a serious canidate and I also doubt he would win BUT (and it is a
    big one) even I could win an election if enough phychos voted for me or even
    if enough people thought it would be funny just to throw away a vote.
    I dont have a problem with Democrats but I dont like all the things they seem
    to lean towards.
    Just as I dont like everything that the Republicans go for but I still claim
    to be one.
    if Joe Blow the ragman was running for President and he was a Democrate and
    stood for what I feel a President should I would go for him versus a
    Republican canidate.
    I have NEVER EVER claimed to be an expert in politics and if you look back you
    will even see where I stated that in the past. so what I am looking at is what
    I see presented in the media, and through other sources.
    I also dont think we should have a place to vote straight party ticket.
    it takes the thinking away from the voters and that is how we end up with some
    of the people in office we have now.
    I may like President Bush but not like the Governor Perry. so if I vote
    straight ticket then I still get Perry even if I thought Ann Richards would
    make a better canidate just because I was too lazy to fill out the ballot.

    but I guess that would be what I deserve since I was to lazy

    IceMan, Dec 17, 2003
  13. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Seems to be a lot of misunderstandings in the postings of people I care
    about, today.. Perhaps it is the extremely and important issue being
    discussed .. I will declare that IceMan has not made that impression on me
    in any respect.. I cannot vouch for the way he performs his duty in a
    professional capacity.. I would suspect that he would perform in the same
    way that my personal experience with him has been.. If you remember, a
    potential gang up was directed toward me on this group, just a few short
    months ago.. IceMan stepped into the fray to even the odds .. He defended me
    when it was not his responsibility to do so..I would like to think that our
    newsgroup is a better place and that no one will be censured or ganged up
    on, here again.. He merits our respect and there should be no
    misunderstanding on anyone's part as to his integrity.. Earlier today..
    IceMan offered an apology to another man who commenced posting on this group
    today.. That makes him very much a MAN.. Many thanks to the professional
    LEO's who perform their work and live their lives in an honorable style..
    Now.. that being said, just wait'll he gives me a damn traffic ticket.. LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  14. Bill Walker

    IceMan Guest

    If you read what I said without adding anything to it or taking anything from
    it you will find that I did not say anything about not showing comppasion to
    I just stated that as a country we have to look out for what is best for us.
    we need to take care of our needs before we solve everyone elses problems.
    and part of that is making sure we have what we need to stay afloat. like oil
    and gas
    If I sounded harsh when I wrote that I did not mean for it to. I was stating
    my opinion on one of many subjects

    IceMan, Dec 17, 2003
  15. Check out Dean's website instead. You'll see a little better versed
    candidate than what the media displays. Dean started out screaming and the
    media wants him that way always. He's not like that all the time, just the
    media clips.
    Now I'm still up in the air on the candidates, too many likes / dislikes to
    decide right now. I've gone to a few of the meetups for Dean and either you
    like it or don't like it but the antiwar crowd is all I have been able to
    see. Without crossover support from the independents and replublicans, Dean
    will fail in the long run. You can only survive so long with only a small
    group supporting you.
    Bush sucks and as soon as I find the candidate I can support I will let you
    Elmer McKeegan, Dec 18, 2003
  16. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    S'cuse please.. Don't mean to butt in again.. (yes I do).. The ideal
    environment is to pay our taxes and go vote. while we take care of our
    families and live as honorably as men should.. There was a time when we had
    the luxury to vote for a man based on his integrity and knowing that he
    would represent his constituents .. That political environment has changed
    dramatically.. In this corrupted two party system today.. the candidate you
    vote for will blindly cast his votes in support of the party line even
    though it is a piece of legislation that will be of disastrous consequence
    to the people who elected him to represent them..The responsibility for this
    environment is the fault of most of us who have been asleep at the wheel
    while our political system has been taken over and controlled by special
    interests .. A very good example of this is the retiring Senator from
    Mt.Pleasant..He was a man of integrity and he represented only the
    constituents in his district.. He, by the way is a Republican.. We have
    others in our government of the same calibre.. Both sides of the aisle..
    Sadly enough, we do not support them after the elections and we send them to
    fight a bear with a switch.. They are overwhelmed and we lose the advocates
    we desperately need to represent us..The only way we can regain our
    democratic government for the people and by the people is to get off our
    lazy asses.. Support or oppose the politicians in office and give them the
    message loud and clear that their loyalties are not to the governor or
    president , but to the people who elected them to represent their
    interests.. not some damned special interest party line.. That's my two
    cents .. LOL.. I walk the walk and I talk the talk, in this forum or any
    other..When I am called .. I hope my legacy will be, by all who knew me..
    "He talked the talk and he walked the walk".. S'cuse.. once again and I hope
    no one is offended by my rant..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walkerhim being President.
    Bill Walker, Dec 18, 2003
  17. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Ok, I'm all about misunderstandings.

    Taking your post at face value, you said that as a country we need to
    leave those alone who have nothing to offer us, negotiate with those
    we can get something from and over-take those who refuse to give us
    what we need. You said that we should bomb the crap out of everyone
    else in the world so your kids can go to good schools and have money
    for the finer things in life. You said that because the fore-fathers
    of this country built cabins from wood that we as a country should
    adhere to a conquest and conquer mentality.

    You're now including that we should conquer the world so you have gas
    to put into your Ford guzzler?

    Does that about sum it up, or did I miss something in the translation?

    I would have to wonder if when my house payment is due next month and
    I decide that I can get the money by no other means than to rob a
    liquor store and kill a half dozen people who get in my way, whether
    you'd feel this same "command & conquer" way by letting me go about my
    way and make my payment "to stay afloat"?
    Brian Walker, Dec 18, 2003
  18. Bill Walker

    Charles Soto Guest

    "Historians exercise great power and some of them know it. They recreate
    the past, changing it to fit their own interpretations. Thus, they
    change the future as well.
    --Leto II, His Voice from Dar-es-Balat"

    Charles Soto, Dec 18, 2003
  19. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Contingent apology accepted without reservation and without prejudice.
    Well, I'm working on that last part. :)

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 18, 2003
  20. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    First of all, thank you very much for your kind words here and in
    other posts, Bill.

    The pleasure, then, was mutual. I had wanted to meet you for some time
    and was not disappointed.
    People much wiser than I have pointed out many times and in many ways
    that liberty is constantly being won. That battle seems to never end.
    I did pay attention and I was encouraged by many things I heard that
    This is one of the things I brought away from that meeting in Ft.
    Worth -- I'm not out to change anybody or to take anything away from
    anybody. If representatives don't hear what I think how can they even
    have the opportunity to represent me? If we don't speak our minds
    before decisions are made and those decisisions turn out badly in our
    view, we have no real grounds for complaining?
    Yeah. I like that about you.
    Thank you. I am honored.
    I don't think it is inevitable, just probable. GW and his handlers are
    awfully good at punching the right buttons at the right times.

    Well, at least it is a start.
    Sounds good to me.
    I can't tell you how much that means to me. I appreciated the day as
    well. So many forums are so filled with rabid activity on all sides
    that is difficult to actually discuss anything.
    Well said!
    Thanks again for the words. I'm slow and ponderous, but I think I'm
    getting warmed up.
    Your friend in Fort Worth.

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 18, 2003
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