A Triumph for America

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, Dec 14, 2003.

  1. The economy was failing before Bush took office. The economy took an even
    deeper hit when 9/11 came along. Now if all this is Bush's fault, then your
    gonna have to give him credit because the economy is starting to come back.
    This dispite his two wars and heavy debt. So based on your assumptions,
    Bush must really be great, because what other president can get an economy
    to start to come back and handle two wars and increase our country's debt
    like no other.
    I'm tired of the this, show your proof. What kind of proof, cnn links,
    msnbc links, fox links, standard media links. Not the off the wall
    conspiricy links. I really want you to prove Bush was blantly wrong, not
    just misinformed.
    So far the info brought to the Bush administration was that a hijacking was
    very possible. No one in the CIA or FBI even mentioned the scenerio that
    occurred. Their fears were based on passed experiences of Hijackings. The
    fact that the FBI director who was in charge just prior to 9/11 didn't
    believe in computers, email, databases and such, he believed it should be
    done the old school way, lots of human intervention. The director himself
    didn't even have a computer on his desk and would not use email. So high
    speed communication or data gathering was limited. When the FBI had the
    current computers replaced, they couldn't give them away to anyone.
    Charitable organizations felt the systems were so old that they were worth
    nothing to them. Interesting enough this director was from the Clinton
    administration. We all know of the great intelligence work of the Clinton
    administration. How many terrorist attacks occurred during that time frame.
    Add that to the fact the World Trade Centers were attacked during the
    Clinton administration and that the FBI director from the Clinton
    administration did not see any correlations to the hijacking and what was
    about to happen, yes I would like to see your proof.
    In case you forgot, the Taliban were hosting the Terrorist camps. We asked
    for the immediate expulsion of Osama. The Taliban refused, we went in after
    them. Saudia Arabia wasn't hosting the Terrorist camps. Criminals come
    from all over, that wasn't the issue. The issue was the Taliban were
    hosting Osama and his terrorist camps.

    I hope so, my responses above are based on trying to relate fact to hype.
    But the real fact is that Bush is a horrible president and we do need
    someone else to replace him.
    Elmer McKeegan, Dec 16, 2003
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  2. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whew.. LOL.. I snipped the response you made to Brian except for this last
    comment.. You had me worried there for a bit.. LMAO.. This comment is all
    that saved you.. All of the defenses for Bush and the evidence you demand is
    an exercise in futility considering the secrecy this administration
    invokes.. We may never know the whole story of what Bush had exposed our
    country to.. Perhaps the lawsuit filed by one of the surviving widows of 911
    will force Bush to come forward... She has accused Bush of violations of the
    RICO act and partially substantiated her complaint with the Bush family
    predicate of profiteering with enemies of the US in a time of war.. i.e. the
    financing and support for Hitler during WWII, by Prescott Bush, Dubya's
    grandfather..With all due respect to you , Elmer.. this president has
    exposed our nation to most of the disasters we have experienced since he
    took office.. His own personal corruption and the corruption of the advisors
    and administration he has gathered around him have been reflected in each
    policy that has resulted in the impositions into every aspect of our
    lives..The responsibility for these actions are his and no one elses.. The
    lies that have been told have deceived our people and the world.. No matter
    which member of the administration told that lie or perpetrated that
    deception, the responsiblity is directly on the doorstep of George W.Bush..
    No matter how much he attempts to blame previous presidents and shift that
    responsibility, even to others in his administration, it is his
    responsiblity..The efforts to relieve blame from himself is even more of a
    lie..The only credit due for this totally detestable president is
    responsiblity for the disasters we have suffered under his administration of
    our nation.. I do not post referral, evidence , cites of others.. I post
    only my own opinions and ideas.. some good, some bad.. As you well know, I
    will also argue, substantiate by events, and support my ideas in any forum
    available to me.. Those who do not have that dedication and conviction
    should be very careful and examine their own ideas and opinions.. I am
    convinced this is the most corrupt president and administration in our
    history and will walk the last mile and support that conviction with all my
    energy.. With all due respect to any and all of my friends on this group..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2003
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  3. Bill Walker

    MadDog Guest

    Here ya go.......

    MadDog, Dec 16, 2003
  4. Bill Walker

    IceMan Guest

    Do you REALLY and I mean REALLY deep down inside of your politickin little
    do you really think Dean is the answer to your prayers???

    before you answer this I realize that noone has claimed to have a better
    canidate to endorse or to throw votes at. and I have not kept up with who all
    is running at this time but from what I have seen on tv, on the news, in the
    papers that Dean is not a stable phyche at this time. I hope and pray each
    night before I go to bed that surly you have a canidate worth voting for... I
    hope that you are not just preaching against Bush and voting for Dean just
    because he is a democrate.
    that would be the perverbial "cutting off your nose to smite your face"
    this is one time I am not endorsing any political party. but it would scare
    the Hell out of me to think that Dean was president.
    as I have told my lovly wife ( she is sitting next to me) if anyone truely
    wanted me to vote democrate they would put someone worth my vote up for

    IceMan, Dec 16, 2003
  5. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    I am not a particular admirer of Dean and do not endorse any candidate at
    this time.. I have been hoping for more of a showing from Kerry.. but have
    been disappointed.. Kucinich is a very smart man.. I saw him in Austin when
    he was there.. I am afraid that he doesn't have the charisma to beat Bush..
    Al Sharpton has made some real zingers and said some things that needed
    saying.. No other candidate could afford to make some of the statements he
    has made.. Go Al... Edwards seems a little immature.. those seem to be the
    leaders.. Not to dicount Wesley Clark, but I am still waiting for furthur
    declarations from him..

    Dean is showing a lot of promise, but it is still very early to decide that
    he will be the candidate for the party..At least for me.. I will wait until
    the convention to see how they all stand at that time.. I am like you.. Now
    is much too early to commence backing any one of them.. I very well could be
    from Missouri with my attitude.. right.. LOL

    From the performance of Bush for the past nearly three years, I'm convinced
    Carol Mosely Braun would be an improvement.. Go Carol.. We desperately need
    a turnover in our administration..
    Give the Lovely Lady my best regards and hopefully the political environment
    will improve and some of the bitterness will be resolved.. I am convinced we
    have been distracted from the real issues which face our state and nation..
    I am furthur convinced George W.Bush can not lead us without furthur
    division and hate.. My only hope is that regardless, our people will
    commence to talk to each other, republicans and democrats alike, and realize
    that we are all in this together and our goals are virtually the same.. That
    is the worst fear for any corrupt politician.. Thanks for the very good post

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 16, 2003
  6. Bill Walker

    IceMan Guest

    That was very well put and even made alot of sense.

    God Bless you

    IceMan, Dec 16, 2003
  7. Wow, that's a lot of good info. It shows a lot of the screwups from the
    Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Bush admins. Although its not a smoking gun, it
    sure puts the edge of the sword squarely against a couple of throats.

    Thanks again. I'll definitely keep this site in mind...
    Elmer McKeegan, Dec 17, 2003
  8. Bill Walker

    Brian Walker Guest

    Sure thing.

    Can you give me the address of the rock you've been under for the past
    several years so I can mail you the proof you ask for?

    I doubt seriously you'd believe anything anyway.

    Speaking of believing what the media reports, I was busy getting a
    hair cut today. While I was sitting there having a razor run across my
    scalp, the barber was telling me all about what he'd seen on the news
    about Saddam's capture. He was telling me all about how Saddam had
    $750,000 in cash when he was captured and how he'd been going around
    the city of Tikrit in taxis paying in $100 bills. He went on to tell
    me all about how Saddam looked. I hadn't noticed it before, but I
    looked at the pictures being shown on the news right at that same
    time. Gee, for someone who's been in hiding for such a relatively
    short period, he sure did grow one HECK of a beard. I pointed out
    about the beard/hair Saddam had been pictured with and the barber
    quickly turned to the TV and agreed that the beard sure was long and
    bushy for the time Saddam has been missing. At that point I asked
    about the $100 bills. It struck me "why would someone in Iraq be doing
    business of day to day living using $100 bills of American money?
    Wouldn't that give them totally away?". Go figure these out...if you
    Brian Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  9. America is the rock I've been under...
    Oh, I've been reading a lot of interesting stuff from a previous post. Its
    been rather enlighting as too how much each administration since Reagan has
    been supplying or subverting these terrorist.
    I can believe stuff from credible news sources, whether I like the info or
    not. But propaganda like the kind Rush Limbough delivers I won't accept at
    face value. Typically I find the true lies somewhere in between the reality
    and propaganda.
    Don't know about that. Its been between 6 - 8 months since Saddam went away
    .. Guess it depends on how long hair grows in that amount of time. I've
    seen some people who get pretty bushy in just a short 6 months and they
    trimmed their beards.
    As far as $100 bills, again this would depend on the area. Royalty is
    expected to act a certain way, and american money, like cars are sometimes
    something they are expected to use. I'd heard about the money as far as
    750,000 in $100 bills, however I never heard that he was spending it. I
    would sort of expect something like american bills to be used in the black
    market. When I was in Japan, the Japanese and US considered any serviceman
    that carried bills over $20 in denomination to be part of the black market
    and was charged as such.
    Just an observation, I really have no idea....
    Elmer McKeegan, Dec 17, 2003
  10. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Elmer.. as you know, I would rather pull teeth than to post a link or refer
    a URL.. Tommy Smelser gave me a link today, and I'd like your input or
    opinion.. You may have seen it already since you are always ahead of my
    curve.. Here it is anyway.. Thanks..
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  11. Guess it falls into the category of interesting.
    Although some of it makes sense, other parts such as Saddam having 750,000
    doesn't. Basically why would captures allow a prisoner to keep nearly a
    million dollars. If 25 million was so important to them and they didn't
    have it yet, wouldn't 750,000 of ready cash be important too? Why would you
    allow your prisoner to hold onto the cash rather than take it away and use
    it yourself? After all your going to trade or kill him so the cash is of no
    use to him and it would make a nice gift for someone.
    Its also a possibility that he didn't know he was been used. Might account
    for the money. According to their thinking they didn't have a problem with
    the length of his hair and beard, or the fact he had 750,000 american
    dollars on him. They mentioned that he looked like he was that way for
    several weeks, not months.
    The possibility does exist, although Rumsfield did mention the week before
    that he was disappointed that no Iraqi had provided information to claim the
    money. With negociations going on according to this article, that statement
    really doesn't add up. But you never know.
    Like I said interesting...
    Elmer McKeegan, Dec 17, 2003
  12. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Thanks Elmer.. we are on the same page .. Interesting and intriguing..
    provocative to say the least.. 'preciate the input.. Catch you later...

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Dec 17, 2003
  13. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Part of the problem is that most US citizens have no clue as to what
    our "best life" costs the rest of the world - as with most of the
    empires in history.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  14. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    So, do you suppose Saudi Arabia is becoming ripe for "liberation"?

    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  15. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    The search for weapons of mass destruction was pretty obviously a
    pretext. How else are you going to sell an invasion to the holy and
    righteous citizens of the last protectors of all that is good and
    I would add to #3 that this was apparently done by illegal means and
    against the will of practically the rest of the world.

    I would also add that #3 and #4 received the same justifications
    tyrants and dictators and emperors always give: the greater safety and
    well being of the homeland.

    I think these are some of the most shameful days in the history of a
    nation replete with shameful days.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  16. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Sure he did. Crank up the military and create more foreign markets,
    whether they wanted to be markets or not.
    He's just the latest in a long string of folks with the same answers.
    We put up with it because he buys us what we want and we really don't
    see what it costs and who is paying the price.
    There's the Bill we know and love -- we don't have to guess how you
    really feel, do we?

    I have a problem with both of them.
    I don't agree with the first statement. And as for the second, there
    are significant portions of the world that see the US as an oppressive
    empire. As long as that is the case there will be resistance. Given
    that the US is the most powerful military and terrorist threat in the
    world, it would be idiotic to expect any form of violent resistance
    other than "ambushes", guerrilla attacks, terrorist attacks, etc.
    What, you think the Taliban is going to put in an order for Raptors?
    Since these rights were never created by government, government cannot
    take them away. They have, however, greatly increased the risk and
    the cost of exercising those rights.

    MUCH to my disappointment, he will probably be re-elected. Or is that
    (re)-elected? Or re-"elected"? Anyway, he'll probably be there again
    next term. But, I don't think he was ever planning on that to begin
    with. I think he has pretty much already done what he set out to do.
    Are you saying we are not yet awake to the fact or that it is not yet
    a fact?

    Now THERE'S an under statement! :)

    I like the way you put that. Easiest way to get people to vote for
    evil is to have them believe there is no other real option. (And/or
    that it isn't really evil anyway. Some logic holds that even though we
    do the same things evil powers do they aren't evil acts when we do
    them. Go figure.)


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  17. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Apologies to those who get twisted out over top posting.

    Here's what I think is typically done: A course of action is decided
    upon and then a particular set of events is used to justify the chosen
    course. The bend in the river of history that you chose as your
    starting point is determined by the course that has already been

    Thus, the questions of what really led to the events of 9-11 are never
    seriously discussed by the administration. The horror of the atrocity
    is sufficient reason for the course laid out a long time ago.

    Just my 1.5 cents.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  18. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Getting harder and harder all the time to do one's homework on
    candidates and the issues.
    You are very fortunate.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  19. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    The tactic has been around for millennia. Keep the conscienced
    beneficiaries of imperial policy distracted and entertained and you
    can do pretty much whatever you want.
    I sometimes think the US loves to hate. We have to have the great
    evil out there somewhere so we don't have to face our own.


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
  20. Bill Walker

    Oma Guest

    Aren't you glad we have a free press? And we all know this free press
    prints the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth rather
    than just what gets their bread buttered. Their altruism is downright

    By the way, just who is it that owns all these free presses?
    "Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!"


    Walk with many, follow The One.
    (to email, change nospam to w000023)
    Oma, Dec 17, 2003
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