A tip from V, money saving expert

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by ogden, Apr 25, 2009.

  1. ogden

    ogden Guest

    Apparently, supermarkets offer discount for multiple purchases, so
    sometimes you can save money by buying shampoo and conditioner at the
    same time.

    Then, when either the shampoo or conditioner run out, throw the other
    bottle away because you always have to use matched shampoo and
    conditioner and don't even think about buying another bottle of
    whichever has run out because it won't be on offer and anyway you have
    to regularly change the shampoo you use because otherwise it builds up
    deposits on your hair.

    ogden, Apr 25, 2009
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  2. Why are you with this woman? Is it merely a case of a morbid
    fascination, where you are waiting for the next gem?

    Btw, she's right (sort of) about the shampoo. The cosmetic shampoos
    have so much shit in them for shine, control and whatever else. This
    crap does build up eventually so you need to zap it with a shampoo
    which'll strip it out (too harsh for using every day though).
    Beelzebub_on_Mac, Apr 25, 2009
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  3. ogden

    ginge Guest

    Money saving tip from me.

    Get a gun, shoot her in the head.

    It's for the best, in the long run.
    ginge, Apr 25, 2009
  4. ogden

    Hog Guest

    Well I guess a can of Pledge and a yellow duster is all you need.
    Hog, Apr 26, 2009
  5. ogden

    Hog Guest

    Long well pampered hair is a good thing BTW ;o)
    Hog, Apr 26, 2009
  6. ogden

    platypus Guest

    Especially on your head.
    platypus, Apr 26, 2009
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