A simple pleasure...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by petrolcan, Dec 28, 2003.

  1. petrolcan

    Owen Guest

    Its official: you ARE now worse than Platy...
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, Dec 28, 2003
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  2. petrolcan

    Ginge Guest

    There's a market place for modern day samurai, I reckon.
    Ginge, Dec 28, 2003
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  3. petrolcan

    petrolcan Guest

    petrolcan, Dec 28, 2003
  4. petrolcan

    Hog Guest

    Hog, Dec 29, 2003
  5. petrolcan

    petrolcan Guest

    petrolcan, Dec 29, 2003
  6. petrolcan

    Hog Guest

    Akcherly I was seeding the feeding grounds. The smiley was a fuckup.
    Hog, Dec 29, 2003
  7. petrolcan

    Alan Guest

    How about taking out the North Wales Police HQ? preferably while the
    chief **** is at his desk with the helicopter parked outside.
    Alan, Dec 29, 2003
  8. petrolcan

    Ben Guest

    It's safely in Tamworth at the moment.
    Ben, Dec 29, 2003
  9. petrolcan

    Champ Guest

    Did you see him named as "Enemy of the State (of petrolheads)" on Top
    Gear last night. Brought a smile to my face, that did.
    Champ, Dec 29, 2003
    William Grainger, Dec 29, 2003
  11. petrolcan

    sweller Guest

    IIRC, what makes it even worse is if the mother is on benefit she doesn't
    even get the money taken from the father's salary. Just the standard

    Nothing PC or moral to it. It's all about reducing the benefit bill.
    sweller, Dec 30, 2003
  12. petrolcan

    deadmail Guest

    Axe to grind? Any proof of this or is it just a supposition?

    Hmm... well given that the punishment is simply passing monies from the
    absent father on for the good of the children...

    I'm consistently amused/angered/concerned about the attitude of some
    fathers to their responsibility for their offspring (present company
    excluded of course). It seems that many assume that just because their
    relationship has broken down they shouldn't have any responsibility to
    fund their childrens' upbringing and that it's reasonable for this to be
    the responsibility of the state.
    deadmail, Dec 30, 2003
  13. They try to, I've been there.
    It is unbelievably 'illegal' but enforced.
    But if the CSA get involved and the father is paying Z to the ex by
    agreement or court decision plus she also receives benefits. Then the
    CSA up the amount to 2xZ they then stop the benefits to the ex by 2xZ so
    she is worse off and the system benefits.
    It doesn't work like that.

    I had a one time payment agreement established by the courts where I
    gave my ex moneys to pay for a house in full and I picked up her debts.
    I also paid to support the kids on a monthly basis by direct debit.

    After 5 years with the ex violating the agreement over custody and
    access she buys a car(?) and gets into debt. Ex F-i-L tells her to go to
    the CSA. They cancel the courts legal agreement and demand moneys from
    me with threat of legal action, on the grounds that I haven't paid on a
    regular basis. (Note it was by direct debit.) Then after demanding a
    payment that was similar to what I was paying anyway, they cancelled the
    exact same amount of benefits to my ex, this put her deeper in the sh*t.
    After a few months she then went back for more, the CSA then wanted to
    triple my payments so that when they cancelled completely all benefits
    to my ex my money would cover it. These are benefits that every mother
    has a right to regardless of situation. I stopped paying and took legal
    action. I established with the CSA that moneys could be forced out of me
    but not out of my ex and that if over payment was proved it was the CSA
    who was liable. I then got a copy the rules and regulations the CSA work
    to (this is a 'secret and restricted' document) did my own calculations
    and proved that for the period the CSA had directed my payments to my ex
    I had over paid £1300 (I think) I then started action against the CSA
    for my money back and made a lot of noise about it.

    They settled before it went to court.
    If I didn't pursue my claim against them and kept quiet they would not
    attempt to get any moneys from me at all and support a situation where I
    didn't pay anything a month.

    CSA are a bunch of liars who are enforcing a stealth tax on fathers who
    are already paying on a regular basis. They don't go after the non
    payers as their failure rate is so high.

    An agency that was founded on good intentions and now only exists to
    reduce the moneys to single mothers and generate funds to indirectly
    support itself.
    Mick Whittingham, Dec 31, 2003
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