A puzzler

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by AndrewR, Nov 9, 2004.

  1. AndrewR

    AndrewR Guest

    My little one, Emma, is four and a half at the moment and it's a great age.
    We have a lot of play fights together and I even let her win sometimes.

    The thing is that she's a stubborn as a mule; we were fighting this evening
    and I could pin her down over and over again or even pick her up by her
    ankles and swing her like a pendulum, but every time I asked her "Have I
    won?" she'd just squeal and then, as soon as I let go of her, she'd jump up
    and shout "You lost!"

    Why does she remind me of someone round here?


    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, TEAR#3 (and KotL), DS#5, COSOC#9, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, Nov 9, 2004
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  2. AndrewR

    Donegal Paul Guest

    "they all do that sir!"

    both of mine are just the same, little rugrats.
    Even with "Mercy" they'll still insist they won?!

    As for play fighting, my son (5) packs some fucking punch and regularly
    leaves bruises on my arms, still, so are his
    *heh* dunno who youre on about ?

    <fx: sits back and waits in anticipation>
    Donegal Paul
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - Wifey's (technically)
    www.a4c.co.uk - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Nov 9, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. *Snort*

    Naughty AndrewR!
    The Older Gentleman, Nov 9, 2004
  4. AndrewR

    dwb Guest

    Oh oh - is that allowed?
    dwb, Nov 10, 2004
  5. AndrewR

    Donegal Paul Guest

    Donegal Paul
    Lambretta Li186 - crashed and bashed
    Vespa T5 Millenium - Wifey's (technically)
    www.a4c.co.uk - What are YOU doing?
    Donegal Paul, Nov 10, 2004
    1. Advertisements

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