A Post is like fishing

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 2, 2004.

  1. it's fun to Post a subject, and then go down the line reading some
    others, who respond to the different post that are made in here, and
    sometimes, that takes anywhere up to 30 minutes. Then, go back to the
    front area, and see if any one has "responded' to that post. it reminds
    me of fishing, like throwing out the line and bait, and catching one.
    I have posted, and within a minute, old BW or Fullstate has already
    taken the bait...

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 2, 2004
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  2. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    Bownse Guest

    It's known as trolling. Some forums discourage it because it tends
    toward stirring trouble instead of discussion. Other forums revel in
    it and smile when a newbie bites on old bait.
    Bownse, Nov 3, 2004
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  3. ßjay jøhñ§øñ

    fullstate Guest

    Yeah, it really depends on if I'm working from home or if I am away

    When I am home, I check the group frequently. When I am away, it
    might only be once a day or once a week depending on the situation.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 3, 2004
  4. <>It's known as trolling. Some forums discourage it because it tends
    toward stirring trouble instead of discussion. Other forums revel in it
    and smile when a newbie bites on old bait.
    Mark Johnson, Ft. Worth, T
    Soooooo, it is commonly known to be kinda like fishing, eh? Good. I'm
    fairly new to all this, thanks for the inPut. BUT, I 'll never post just
    to "stirr someone" into getting in a bad mood, and say something they
    wouldnt ordinarlly say.....Mark, If I POST, it'll be smething I wanna
    talk about, how about You? thanks

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 3, 2004
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