.... turned up today on my doorstep. In it was a wiring loom for a '73 CB450K and a couple of rubber parts that I didn't even know were missing on mine. All that for something like thirty quid, which isn't bad given that the wiring loom has been unavailable for some time and it'll probably work out cheaper and/or less time consuming just to fit this one instead of trying to unbutcher the one that's on the bike. Now all I need to wait for is the arrival of the *other* outstanding parcel that is on its way from Australia and contains a (supposedly NOS) headlight rim for a K4. A part that Dave Silver can't supply any more and CMS wants about forty Euro for one. Slightly more than a tenner, and that's including shipping... I know it's been said before, but isn't ebay great for ShiteOldBikes? Oh, and the major difference between buying a part from a breaker in Ohio as opposed to buying it from one in this country appears to be that the parts arrive in their own bags, clearly labelled as to what they are and what bike they're for as opposed to arriving in a torn, oil-dripping jiffy bag containing something encrusted in ten years' worth of dirt that, after closer inspection, may or may not be the part you've ordered.