A musical question

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by platypus, Sep 14, 2010.

  1. platypus

    platypus Guest

    I have a violin. No, don't worry, I don't attempt to play it. It's
    quite a nice violin, came down to me through the family by some
    route. I had it restored a couple of years ago, and the restorer's
    opinion is that it's good enough to get a student to Grade 8, if not
    for professional use.

    Laura had lessons on it for a bit, but she's unlikely to be using it
    for at least the next couple of years. Given that such instruments do
    best when they're played regularly, I need to find someone else to
    play it.

    I don't want to sell it. What I'd like to do is find some deserving
    student to lend it to long-term, but in a way that I can be sure it's
    being looked after - I've heard various tales of loan instruments
    provided by schools having a hard life.

    Has anyone done anything like this, or have any knowledge of how it
    might be done?
    platypus, Sep 14, 2010
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  2. platypus

    Jim Guest

    When I used to play with Southampton Youth Orchestra the Hampshire Music
    Service ran an instrument loan service a bit like you describe.
    Whereabouts are you?
    Jim, Sep 14, 2010
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  3. platypus

    platypus Guest

    Thornbury, north of Bristol.
    platypus, Sep 14, 2010
  4. platypus

    Buzby Guest

    You think the latter will look after it?
    Buzby, Sep 14, 2010
  5. platypus

    Gyp Guest

    Google "grooming"
    Gyp, Sep 14, 2010
  6. platypus

    Owen Guest

    Bristol Youth Orchestra? There must be summut nearby?

    (currently listening to Apocalyptica - Nothing Else Matters. The
    rellevance, whose nose?) In a darkish mood...
    Owen, Sep 14, 2010
  7. platypus

    Colin Irvine Guest

    Find a good violin teacher and ask them.
    Colin Irvine, Sep 15, 2010
  8. platypus

    Jim Guest

    I'd probably contact Bristol Arts & Music Service then.

    If you're worried about it being destroyed, try and aim for the youth
    orchestras rather than the schools, assuming it's a good enough
    instrument. Generally a violin would be given to a single person to use
    rather than being a shared instrument. People don't like to swap between
    instruments because each one plays differently. So people do tend to
    look after them.

    It's big stuff like percussion, double basses, harps, or strange wind
    instruments like contrabassoon and cor anglais that get knocked about.
    Jim, Sep 15, 2010
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