I was playing computer this morning when all hell broke loose in my front yard.. When I got outside, there were four of the most disruptable looking dudes in Texas out there parking their motorcycles .. Whew.. what a scroungy bunch of outlaws.. First thing I heard was something like.. "Where's the freaking coffee"... Since I'd just made a fresh pot of my special blend (Folger's).. there wasn't a problem .. I hooked 'em all up to a fresh brewed cup and we sat 'em down on the famoust porch.. Seems like this bunch was just out cruising around and decided it was time to come around to harass Walker for a bit.. <chuckle> I'll never figure out why all these guys out looking for trouble, just naturally think of me.. Many thanks guys.. your visit was appreciated and I'm looking forward to getting back out there with all of you.. Pretty soon, now.. Bill Walker Irving