"You want fries with that?" -- cane [at] ukrm.org | fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "Brace yourselves ladies, I'm coming in dry"
Same company, but they're centralising everything. It was a tongue in cheek remark as I'd no doubt just move into a different job were it to happen.
Well yea, but is all of it needed. The company I'm currently working for has in the past 6 years, demerged twice, merged once, gone through four name changes and god knows how many internal reorganisations. The permanent staff are in a constant state of uncertainty about their jobs and have had to re-apply for their own jobs every couple of years on average. Hardly a way to run a large company IMHO.
You really are missing the point here. -- cane [at] ukrm.org ¦ fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "Brace yourselves ladies, I'm coming in dry"
Glad to have cleared that up for you then. -- cane [at] ukrm.org ¦ fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "Brace yourselves ladies, I'm coming in dry"
Only cos I've learnt that the way to win the game isn't to sit in the middle of it and whinge -- cane [at] ukrm.org | fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "Brace yourselves ladies, I'm coming in dry"
lol, nice. -- cane [at] ukrm.org ¦ fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "Brace yourselves ladies, I'm coming in dry"
No. Here goes: - riding motorbikes - guitars (a bit) - snowboarding - shagging - designing resilient, performant, high availabilty internet systems
You are *so* slow at the back, Ginge. Ithink we should invent a saying, like if someone posts something that they think no-one's seen before, but we have... we could call it a ginge!! Bugger, meanwhile dictionary.com has failed to return the meaning of 'performant'.
That's not the sentence to make a typo in. -- cane [at] ukrm.org | fireblade, r30 botafo t#50 f#03 YTC #15 bbb #6 apostle [kotl] New? http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html Rideout? http://www.horrible.demon.co.uk/botafof/ "Brace yourselves ladies, I'm coming in dry"