A lower seat sir? That'll be £101.

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by dwb, Feb 10, 2005.

  1. dwb

    dwb Guest

    So, still vaguely considering a DL 1000.

    If one were to buy new (or second hand for that matter), the standard seat
    height is 84cm.

    Suzuki sell a lower seat that drops it to 82cm. The thing is, you can't
    order this seat for a new one. You have to get the higher one and BUY the
    lower one in addition. Thus ending up with two seats - one of which will
    just sit in the garage as it's highly unlikely anyone's going to want to buy
    the 'normal' seat.

    Suzuki Customer Services explained it to me as "they come over in a big box
    with all the bits and therefore we can't change the seat. I do see your
    point, it does seem strange, but we can't do anything at all about it".

    Apparently no one has ever questioned this before.
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
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  2. dwb

    Daz Guest

    That's because short people tend to just get beaten up when the ask
    Daz, Feb 10, 2005
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  3. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Perhaps she was hitting the phone really hard?
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  4. dwb

    flash Guest

    **** that, if you can't find a dealer to haggle one in for free then things
    have come to a fine pass.

    If all else fails, get Champ to send them a complaint.
    flash, Feb 10, 2005
  5. dwb

    Daz Guest

    Telephone assault. I'd drag the bitch through the courts IIWY.

    On a slightly more serious note I can see their point about the seat.
    If they were to start supplying the bike with various seats where does
    it stop? "Can I get some different clipons please, these hurt my

    Sarah had no end of trouble trying to find a bike with a low enough
    seat height. Dealers just couldn't get their head around the idea
    that she struggled with bikes like the Hornet.

    Short people are to biking what vegitarianism is to the French.
    Daz, Feb 10, 2005
  6. dwb

    Ace Guest

    I've no sympathy with either group, I'm afraid. TBH though, I've
    always found that most bikes seem to be designed for a japanese
    midget, so for us normal-sized people they're often, literally, a pain
    in the neck.
    Ace, Feb 10, 2005
  7. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Yes, possibly - but they don't offer alernative clipons - they do offer
    alternative seats.
    Therefore it's not inconcievable to make them a factory option.

    I don't mind paying for 'extras', say a gel version - but I think it's a bit
    much to charge £100 for a seat that's exactly the same - just less of it.
    Except I'm not that short and I'm not complaining or struggling to find one
    I can fit on :)
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  8. dwb

    dwb Guest

    Well... I've already got them to drop the OTR price by a fair bit so one
    could argue they already have but yes, some more haggling potentially.
    Now there's a plan.
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  9. dwb

    Preston Kemp Guest

    Surely getting someone to slice 2cm of foam off the standard seat would
    be a lot cheaper? Someone of your weight isn't going to sink through to
    the seatpan with a bit less foam. If you keep the excess you can always
    stick it back in again when you sell the bike & nobody will be any the
    Preston Kemp, Feb 10, 2005
  10. dwb

    dwb Guest

    To be frank I'm still trying to figure out just how much difference there is
    in 2cm!

    And I haven't yet figured out how I'm financing any of this so it's
    theoretical pie in the sky at the mo.
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  11. dwb

    flash Guest

    Ask them to buy the spare tall seat back from you.
    flash, Feb 10, 2005
  12. dwb

    dwb Guest

    I somehow don't see that working.

    Maybe I should just get bigger shoes.
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  13. dwb

    HooDooWitch Guest

    # Kum On Feel The Noyz ...
    HooDooWitch, Feb 10, 2005
  14. dwb

    darsy Guest

    that's not tall!
    darsy, Feb 10, 2005
  15. dwb

    porl Guest

    I thought Willy Wonka had some kind of employe anti-biker policy, you were
    porl, Feb 10, 2005
  16. dwb

    porl Guest

    Why did you say "TBH"?
    porl, Feb 10, 2005
  17. dwb

    Steve Parry Guest

    dwb fumbled, fiddled and fingered:
    What they actually have a "Customer Services " department now?

    Steve Parry
    K100RS SE & F650
    and a 520i SE Touring for comfort

    (not forgetting the SK90PY)

    Steve Parry, Feb 10, 2005
  18. dwb

    dwb Guest

    You what? That's only for doing company business - they don't give a hoot
    what one does in their own time.

    (Willy Wonka?!)
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  19. dwb

    dwb Guest

    What was the RGS as a matter of interest as IIRC you are a similar height to
    me and found that a bit tall?
    dwb, Feb 10, 2005
  20. dwb

    flash Guest

    Short working day though.
    flash, Feb 10, 2005
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