Retrieved the clutch line for the BB from the GPO, and set to. OEM clutch hose is one of those solid metal pipe jobbies, down the inside of the frame rail, so it got cut out with a Dremel. Threaded the new one into place, fixed it using the existing clips, filed and bled. Simple. As it was nice, I set off on the Wing to get some oil, and treated the Blackbird to an oil and filter change, too. As it was still nice, I decided to uproot the vegetation in the airbox, and cleaned and re-oiled the K&N. Last but not least, replaced the vacuum plug for the Scottoiler with the original bolt, so it's not drawing fresh air in where it shouldn't. Nothing broke. I drew no blood. I didn't kick over the oil tray, and I didn't lose anything. The Blackbird started first prod on the button, too. I guess I'll wake up shortly.