A dilema

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Nige, May 29, 2011.

  1. Nige

    Nige Guest

    It wasnt said to me, but to a good friend by someone from here that doesnt
    know my friend.

    Absolutely no need to say anything to someone you dont even fucking know.
    Nige, May 29, 2011
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  2. Nige

    Nige Guest

    Why, for someone elses fucking cuntiness?

    No chance.
    Nige, May 29, 2011
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  3. Nige

    mark Guest

    It goes on in here all the time though.
    'Here' has always been a bit more 'scary' than moderated forums and
    facebook (that you can moderate yourself).
    Your mate should tell him to GFH, delete the comment and do whatever
    blocking is required/possible.
    You can then do as you see fit....or not.

    But you do have to say who it is :)
    You can't use here as a personal bludgeon of persuasion.....
    Can you?
    mark, May 29, 2011
  4. Oh. I didn't consider that at all. I don't do FB so didn't know it
    worked like that. I am probably, therefore, a TC.
    The Older Gentleman, May 29, 2011
  5. Eh? with the amount of abuse you throw around on here...

    Anyway, it's only words. If your friend doesn't like it then leave it to
    them to sort out. If you're not happy with that then mind your own
    fucking business you tedious northern monkey.
    stephen.packer, May 29, 2011
  6. Nige

    Gyp Guest

    But sticks and stones merely break your bones,
    Harsh words on Facebook are almost as damaging as negative eBay feedback!
    Gyp, May 29, 2011
  7. Nige

    Donnie Guest

    Presumably, I mean, yes I'm not like a lot of ye that have had proper
    bikes so to speak but have been on and off here for about a decade or
    so and think the only ukrmer's I'd know face to face would be Petrolcan
    (obvious reasons), Lozzo, Pip (and bird), Adie, Bonwick, possibly DanL
    from a lineup where everyone else was black or in a wheelchair and
    possibly Colenel Tupperware assuming he was on the Pan he used to have
    about 10 years ago.

    But yes, like usenet FB has it's place but also, there's not a real
    crossover is there?

    "**** the world, it's time to fight back"

    Lambretta Series 2 186cc "The Shitter"
    Lambretta LD 175cc "The Chopper" SOLD and all the cash went on a telly!
    Honda CB500R "Look out, Donnie's about!"
    Donnie, May 29, 2011
  8. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Donnie
    <bottom lip wobbles>

    Heartless, unfeeling bastard.
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, May 29, 2011
  9. Nige

    Donnie Guest

    FFS man the **** up.

    It's simple just follow the following.

    1. Did your insulted friend cry?

    Yes, go to 2
    No, go to 3

    2. Is your insulted friend
    male? Go to 4
    female? Go to 5

    3. Your insulted friend can stick up for him/herself so keep your beak
    fucking out of it and go for a ride on the bike!

    4. He's a big wooosy fucking poof, tell the fucker to man up or do the
    species a favour, get a vasectomy / neutered to stop the further
    dilution of the gene pool and go for a ride on the bike!

    5. Is she single?
    Yes, go to 6
    No, go to 7

    6. Excellent! Tell her then comfort her any way you can get away with.

    7. Ok, tell her then comfort her any way you can get away without the
    other half finding out! Proceed to 8.

    8. Does she boil bunnies?
    Yes, go to 9
    No, go to 10

    9. Fucking RUN (post coital!)

    10. Does she TIUTA?
    Yes, go to 11
    No, go to 12

    11. You lucky lucky lucky LUCKY baaaaaaastard, go to 13

    12. Move on, you've had your fun. Go to 14.

    13. JPEGS?
    Yes, go to 15
    No, go to 16

    14. Salvage what you can, get out and keep her as a "back up ****" when
    she's drunk "for old time's sake" and go for a ride on the bike!

    15. Good man, go to 17

    16 FFS, amateur. You're done, leave it and go for a ride on the bike!

    17. You're in uncharted territory! Good luck and any jpegs (of her, not
    you) are gratefully received :)

    "**** the world, it's time to fight back"

    Lambretta Series 2 186cc "The Shitter"
    Lambretta LD 175cc "The Chopper" SOLD and all the cash went on a telly!
    Honda CB500R "Look out, Donnie's about!"
    Donnie, May 29, 2011
  10. Nige

    Lozzo Guest

    Was it me?

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, May 29, 2011
  11. Using the patented Mavis Beacon "Hunt&Peck" Technique, Donnie
    <reviews code>

    Do you work for me?
    Wicked Uncle Nigel, May 29, 2011
  12. Nige

    Donnie Guest

    Oh ****, I feel [1] guilty now, I forgot the chicken man :)

    [1]Almost :) [2]
    [2] wonders who else he may have forgotton! [3]
    [3] ah **** it

    "**** the world, it's time to fight back"

    Lambretta Series 2 186cc "The Shitter"
    Lambretta LD 175cc "The Chopper" SOLD and all the cash went on a telly!
    Honda CB500R "Look out, Donnie's about!"
    Donnie, May 29, 2011
  13. Nige

    Donnie Guest

    heh, not yet :)

    "**** the world, it's time to fight back"

    Lambretta Series 2 186cc "The Shitter"
    Lambretta LD 175cc "The Chopper" SOLD and all the cash went on a telly!
    Honda CB500R "Look out, Donnie's about!"
    Donnie, May 29, 2011
  14. see.. now... under normal circumstances I would have sniggered and pointed
    and got all supercilious about my lack of involvement in this type of
    thing but this time circumstances have conspired against me.

    Yes, I do have a FB account. I have had it for years. I only got it in the
    first place because you lot all started posting links to what sometimes
    turned out to be halfway decent porn and I couldn't look at it unless I
    signed up, so I signed up.

    Time passes and as is the way with these things I get an email from FB
    once every few weeks about stuff that I have absolutely no interest in
    whatsoever but it isn't actually spam and so gets glanced at and then
    binned. Except....

    A couple of days ago I got one of the routine emails from FB of the type I
    normally get and glance at and then bin but I did not glance at it with
    the same contemptuous caution as I normally do and I accidentally allowed
    myself to click on the link and then I binned it.

    Two minutes later and I get 6 emails from FB telling me I have got


    Another 2 minutes and I have half a dozen tabs open on facebook login
    pages and am reading conversations I have no idea about and account
    preference pages in an environment that I don't use because I don't happen
    to be able to cope with the look and feel in a way that causes me comfort
    and 20 more emails arrive in my in box.

    Some of these are telling me that all my friends have friends and would I
    like to be friends with them as well.

    I check these out and as far as I can tell they are mostly ukrmers in one
    guise or another so I think to myself "Oh look, it is all ukrmers, what is
    the worst that can happen."

    CAN happen??


    I noticed, while licking my fingers to both sooth the pain and remove the
    molten chocolate that got there when I fished it and the half a biscuit it
    was becoming detached from out of my scalding tea, my in box appeared to
    be filling faster than I was emptying it.

    Emails from FB about my friends on FB telling me they wanted me to be
    friends. Emails from FB telling me my friends, both new and old, had even
    more friends who also wanted to be my friend. Emalils from FB telling me
    my friends of friends who were now all overjoyed to be friends also had
    friends who wanted to be my friend, some of whom had cats. Some of whom
    were cats! Emails from FB saying the cats of my new friends of friends
    were ecstatic to the point of purring to be my new friend and did I have
    any friends who might like to be their friend as well.

    Is this what they call a Ponsi scheme!!

    Actually no. It is worse, much worse. It is a Ponsi scheme with added

    In among this minor deluge of good wishes from cats I have yet to know and
    love there is a gathering tide of notifications telling me some other
    bastard is logging on at the same time as me and even using my IP addy to
    do it! There is another set of notifications telling me that this person
    had also been into my personal preferences and turned off notification of
    attempts by other users to masquerade as me at the same time and on the
    same IP address as me.

    That was yesterday. Today....

    Cats and murder. The two are inextricably linked imho.

    There is a consequence to all these emails from my cross speciating
    buddies in that nearly all of them, when the contents are clicked upon,
    spawn a new tab in Firefox at the FB login page. This, despite repeatedly
    responding to the email telling me another me was currently in the process
    of attempting to change my cat's friends log in preferences, in turn opens
    another window asking me for the name of my computer (again) so that it
    can send my friends cat another email telling it what it knew already and
    did I really want to change it.

    I don't have a fucking cat! Why should I want to change it?

    Also there are emails from FB not actually from any of my friends new or
    otherwise telling me that my friends and/or their cats have been writing
    on my wall.

    Wall? What wall? And why are cats writing on it? It is my wall that I
    didn't know I had and I haven't even seen it yet let alone had the chance
    to brighten it up with even the thinnest of coats of trade magnolia and a
    nice picture or a mirror or something and a cat belonging to some so
    called friend of mine is in there already scribbling all over it!!

    ....and the emails about all my ever growing list of new new friends of
    friends and their cats, email about changed email notification
    preferences, a rather worrying and rapidly growing number emails
    concerning a not so small army of dopplegangers trying to delete
    themselves also keep arriving,

    ....and the login pages that are the consequences of it all.

    ....and another wave of emails arising from that.

    My dander, or that which is not forming a fine reflection free surface all
    around me, is up.

    Write on my wall will they. Two can play at this game.and I can feel a
    Jihad coming on and as in any war, there will be collateral damage and if
    being hit by the surrounding splash happens to offend you then hard
    fucking luck.

    Bleat about the morality of outing me on ukrm all you fucking like. Your
    cat fucking started this and if you can't keep control of it then that is
    your fucking problem.
    steve auvache, May 29, 2011
  15. Nige

    Greybeard Guest

    Now that's more like it! :)

    It's easy to say shit about somebody when they're not in striking
    distance. It takes a bit more care when a bloody nose or fat lip might
    be in the making. I'd take Niges stand.
    Greybeard, May 29, 2011
  16. Nige

    Greybeard Guest

    I thought you were a bit of a Luddite like myself and steered cleared of
    the moron masses which seem to be attracted to FB like flies to the
    proverbial :)
    Greybeard, May 29, 2011
  17. Nige

    Nige Guest

    Get fucked roadkill eating mofo.

    You do realise my 'abuse' is always meant in jest with a big smile on my
    face, dont you, you rectal crease?
    Nige, May 29, 2011
  18. Nige

    Lozzo Guest

    GFY. I've had some fantasic shags off women I met on facebook.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, May 29, 2011
  19. Nige

    Greybeard Guest

    Fair Do's, I got that wrong then.
    Perhaps I should join FB then, there may be hope for me yet! :)
    Greybeard, May 30, 2011
  20. Nige

    SteveH Guest

    Well, you've put it out in the open now.

    Tell your mate to grow up - if he's going to taunt rival fans, he has to
    expect something back.

    Oh, and sending me private messages calling me a 'Munich ****' shows
    what kind of person he is.
    SteveH, May 30, 2011
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