A Day to Remember

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Bill Walker, May 9, 2004.

  1. Bill Walker

    Bill Walker Guest

    Bailed out of here just before noon today and decided to make a run for our
    favorite Catfish joint.. Made a stop over in Mesquite to visit one of the
    old buds and wound up drinking all his coffee while we just kicked back and
    rolled over a few of the expected tales of yesteryear.. He's going through
    some pretty tough times and to make things worse, his sled is in the shop
    getting some recall work done.. After we wore out all the stories, we made
    our way across the Lake and hit the Catfish store.. They'd just run the trot
    lines and it was fresh, hot and damn fit to eat.. When I got back to the
    casa in Irving, I was surprised to see five compadres in my driveway..
    waiting.. Seems like someone was throwing a whingding in Mansfield and away
    we went.. No need to let good tequila go to waste.. Damn.. those Mexican
    bikers blister paint when they are group running.. When we finally found the
    house where everyone was meeting, that party was rolling pretty good.. As we
    suspected, there were enough gringos there, that we saved the day.. The
    gallon of pure stuff I had brought from Mexico, in December made the Cuervo
    take a back seat.. When we bailed at about midnight.. (we even missed the
    table dancing).. my good tequila was empty and the Cuervo was still sitting
    on the table.. lol.. Good day.. good catfish.. fine fajitas and some other
    real tasty odds and ends.. Couldn't ask for a better way to end a helluva
    day and a damn great night..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, May 9, 2004
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