Bought a helmet yesterday. Open faced. second hand. Nolan N40. Fits nice and snug, visor undamaged, straps and interior like new. Garage sale. for the helmet and a pair of near new dri-rider leather gloves. Someone didn't take to riding. It must be 25 years or more since I used an open face helmet. It's a really strange feeling, but one I could get to like. Visibility is so much better than with the full face. I can do a head check much more quickly, just need to turn my head to one side, rather than the contortions necessary to look over my shoulder with the old helmet. Peripheral vision is also far superior. It might take a while to get used to the light weight of the helmet. But the biggest impression is one of being more "out there" in the environment. The visor comes down to my chin, but I can't see any part of the helmet except the peak. I keep getting that "naked" feeling you get if you've forgotten to put on your helmet. A bit like driving without a seat belt. I'm aware that it might not offer quite the same protection as a full face helmet, but IMHO the added primary safety that comes from better vision makes up for it, especially around town. I'll still use the full face for 'enthusiastic' riding. Moike