A big thankyou to the Labour government

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Andy Bonwick, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. Andy Bonwick

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    It looks like the Trident replacement is going ahead so my overtime is
    safe for a few years yet.

    it's only £20bn so shouldn't affect the countries credit rating too
    much and it means I might yet decide to buy a new MV.
    Andy Bonwick, Feb 4, 2010
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  2. Andy Bonwick

    ginge Guest

    There was a mint R312 with 600 miles on it in Burton-on-Trent Arnold's
    a few weeks back, for 9.5K IIRC..
    ginge, Feb 4, 2010
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  3. Andy Bonwick

    boots Guest

    Until the election
    bonus then
    boots, Feb 5, 2010
  4. Andy Bonwick

    ogden Guest

    What, you think the tories will give up a world-class trump card in a
    global dick-swinging contest?

    I'm not convinced. They'll just be glad the other lot had to make the
    decision for them.
    ogden, Feb 5, 2010
  5. Andy Bonwick

    boots Guest

    Probably not, I am kind of hoping that neither of the current big two
    can form a government without making some serious concessions.
    boots, Feb 5, 2010
  6. Andy Bonwick

    Andy Bonwick Guest

    That's what I'm banking on.
    I reckon they just wanted to make sure the next government was
    burdened with even more debt for the next 20 years.
    Andy Bonwick, Feb 5, 2010
  7. Andy Bonwick

    YTC#1 Guest

    On Thu, 04 Feb 2010 21:56:00 +0000, Andy Bonwick wrote:

    Something was bugging me about the subject line.

    Just realised what it was

    "A big thankyou to the *Brititsh* government"

    It does not matter who the party is in power, together they are the all
    one big blob.
    YTC#1, Feb 5, 2010
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