A big boy made me do it ...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by sweller, May 15, 2004.

  1. sweller

    sweller Guest

    After Champ laughed at my handlebars I decided to get my act together and
    actually fit the Jota bars [1] Lozzo gave me at the BOSM.

    Bike steers as easily, less wafty at high speed and head on filtering is
    a lot easier.


    So many thanks to Lozzo for giving them to me, Mups [2] for carting them
    about and posting them and Champ for the motivation.

    I may go overboard and fit a new bar end mirror.

    A tip for those that may want it, to remove, replace and position bar
    grips quickly and easily use an air line. Force the blower nozzle
    between the grip and the bar and use to 'inflate' the grip. Makes it
    very very easy to move about.

    [1] Is it pronounced JOE-ta or YEO-ta?
    [2] I haven't forgotten.
    sweller, May 15, 2004
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  2. sweller

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    in a two steps forward, one step back minda stylee.

    BMW R1150GS
    Windy's "little soldier"
    Alex Ferrier, May 15, 2004
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  3. sweller

    Lozzo Guest

    sweller says...
    Very nice, they look a damn sight better than that rusty old piece of
    metal I threw your way at BOSM. Suit the bike well, don't they?
    Lozzo, May 15, 2004
  4. sweller

    mups Guest

    Very nice, suits the bike much better than those motocross stylie bars.
    mups, May 15, 2004
  5. sweller

    Oldbloke Guest

    Heh, I really liked the look of your Guzzi when I saw it at BOSM, and seem
    to have developed a bit of a Guzzi fetish myself, visiting my local
    dealerhip about once a week and drooling over the V11 Ballabio they have in
    the showroom (only £5k).

    Funnily enough, I actually thought of you today whilst having a coffee at
    Fox's Diner (next door to M and P). An old gimmer rolled up on a Guzzi,
    wearing a piss pot type open face helmet with "Moto Guzzi" emblazoned across

    Dan L (Oldbloke)
    My Bike 2000 Honda CB500
    M'boy's Bike 1990 Suzuki TS50X (Heavily fortified)

    Oldbloke, May 15, 2004
  6. sweller

    dwb Guest

    Another trip to Avebury will be in order so Champ can try it out again :)
    dwb, May 15, 2004
  7. It was somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
    Since the Laverda importers, Alf Grinshall & Sons, were renowned for
    being the descendants of a tribe of malformed dwarf folk dancers, they
    decided to commemorate this connection by naming the latest 3cyl bike
    the 'Jota', which by happy coincidence is the name of a 3-legged Spanish

    Or something like that.

    It's pronounced 'Shite, my arse and balls are dead from vibration'.



    GS 850 x2 / SE 6a
    FUB KotL OSOS#12? UKRMMA#19 COSOC#10
    Grimly Curmudgeon, May 15, 2004
  8. sweller

    platypus Guest

    Ho-ta. It's a Spanish word, name of a dance.

    platypus, May 15, 2004
  9. sweller

    platypus Guest

    "a Spanish dance in triple time" The name was dreamed up by the Slater
    brothers, who developed the Jota from the original 3C.

    I thought everybody knew that.
    platypus, May 16, 2004
  10. sweller

    ogden Guest

    I'll be game for another run down in about a fortnight.

    But first, Spain...
    ogden, May 16, 2004
  11. sweller

    platypus Guest

    Try this:

    platypus, May 16, 2004
  12. sweller

    sweller Guest

    As will I, although 16th June looks more likely.

    So actually, "another run down in about a month" is more probable.
    sweller, May 17, 2004
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