As the race fairing was knackered beyond repair after getting punted off by the fuckwit newbie at Castle Doom, I'm looking to get some relpacement fairings. Basically you can make anything fit, but I stuck with the original 600SS fairings for that mid-90s retro look... [URL][/URL] It'll cost me the best part of 150 notes to buy replacement side and top fairing from the only supplier in Germany, so I've been looking on The 'Bay and there is currently a UK supplier selling both 998 and 999 style fairings for 130 all in. There have been some pretty good looking Monster and SS based bikes fitted with both fairings, but I'm throwing it out there for the collected wisdom of the froup, or maybe if you've got any better ideas? Some examples are here- #74 (Dickie) for the 998 and #9 (Pete) for the 999: [URL][/URL] Paint scheme will stay the same in either case (silver) as I love my tank flames too much...