900 Divvy - paging ToG and others who know...

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by frjack at work, Nov 16, 2005.

  1. How does this sound for the money?

    900 Divvy, 2001 on a "Y"
    12K miles
    Engine bars
    One owner

    Described as "mint" in a dealer for £2700, being sold on behalf of a

    Worth it?

    Any thing to look out for/ bargaining points?

    Parkers seems to suggest over £3k for private sale in good condition
    and £3.7K if the dealer was selling.
    frjack at work, Nov 16, 2005
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  2. danny_deever2000, Nov 16, 2005
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  3. frjack at work

    TOG Guest

    Hard to say. People who want Divvie 900s *really* want them, because
    since they've been discontinued, there's nothing else that does
    anything like the same job, except maybe a BMW R850/1150R.

    if it's really, really, good, I'd say that's a fair price. I'd also say
    I wouldn't trust Parkers' prices.
    TOG, Nov 16, 2005
  4. frjack at work

    TOG Guest

    Hard to say. People who want Divvie 900s *really* want them, because
    since they've been discontinued, there's nothing else that does
    anything like the same job, except maybe a BMW R850/1150R.

    if it's really, really, good, I'd say that's a fair price. I'd also say
    I wouldn't trust Parkers' prices.
    TOG, Nov 16, 2005
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