83 nighthawk

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by w00189wr, Jul 15, 2006.

  1. w00189wr

    w00189wr Guest

    Getting tired of posting Three different groups. Got a 83 250
    nigthhawk. Reves up fine while in gear. Put it in neutral and try to
    rev it up, it bogs down. Any answers "?????????????
    w00189wr, Jul 15, 2006
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  2. w00189wr

    FB Guest

    Does the neutral light actually go on when the transmission is in
    neutral? What happens when you wiggle the sidestand while it's

    Study the wiring diagram in the back of your owner's manual. It might
    have something to do with the safety interlock switch that kills the
    engine if you let the clutch out with the transmission in gear and the
    sidestand is down.

    It could just be dirty contacts in the sidestand switch.

    Especially study any logic diodes in the safety interlock system. They
    will look like black arrowheads on the wiring diagram. Maybe a
    switching diode is shorted out?
    FB, Jul 15, 2006
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  3. w00189wr

    w00189wr Guest

    Thanks for the reply. Never thought about anything like that. It sure
    is entirely possible though. I'll try it tomorrow. Thanks
    w00189wr, Jul 16, 2006
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