750 Saber

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Patrick, Jul 10, 2005.

  1. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    I have a 1983 honda 750 saber vf. A couple of issues I need help with.

    1) when I first start riding, not quite up to normal engine temp yet.
    The tach stops working, drops to zero. Then it looses power, feels
    like it drops a cylinder or two. Runs really slugest for about 30-60
    seconds. and without warning comes alive again, and tach starts
    working again. Once it reaches normal engine temp It runs perfect. It
    doesn’t do it again till the next warm up period.

    2) This bike has a instrument cluster that has a red trouble warning
    light, and a digital readout of the systems it montoirs. The same
    little digtal window is also the gear indicator, when not showing the
    systems it montiors.
    The problum is the little digital window just continuely toggles
    between headlight, taillight and battery. It never shows the gear
    indicator. All 3 systems appear to function properly.


    Patrick, Jul 10, 2005
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  2. Patrick

    Mark Hickey Guest

    The '84 honda V-4s essentially have two entirely separate ignition
    systems, and the tach is hooked to one of 'em. It sounds like one of
    the two has some sort of thermal problem - could be a hall sensor in
    the engine case (picks up the crank position and sends the impulse to
    fire that plug - or actually, both plugs at once). It could be the
    computer, wiring harness or a host of other things. On my '83 Magna,
    one of the hall sensors failed and did the same thing. The difficult
    thing is that it's an intermittent problem - you'll never really know
    if you've fixed it or not.

    This is the kind of electronic bug that I used to troubleshoot using a
    spritz or two of freon (when you have it running rough, and hit the
    bad part with freon, it'll immediately start working right). Of
    course, a spritz of freon will now cause all life as we know it to
    vaporize instantly so I would never recommend doing that. ;-)

    Mark Hickey
    Mark Hickey, Jul 10, 2005
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  3. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    Thanks Mark,

    Before I vaporize the planet with freon, what componet is it I would
    be spraying?

    Patrick, Jul 11, 2005
  4. Patrick

    Mark Hickey Guest

    Krusty had a great idea as well - I had forgotten that trick
    (obviously because it didn't work for me... harumph).

    It's been a while, but there are two hall sensors under the side cover
    on the Honda V-4 - little brown/black thingies that are hooked to
    wires that come through the top of the case somewhere near the base of
    the cylinders IIRC. You might try wiggling them a bit to see if you
    can get a solid correlation between moving them and getting the
    roughness to appear/disappear.

    You symptom is exactly like mine, BTW. It would start fine, warm up
    and run rough for a while, then run fine again.

    Mark Hickey
    Habanero Cycles
    Home of the $695 ti frame
    Mark Hickey, Jul 12, 2005
  5. Patrick

    Mark Hickey Guest

    My bad - I don't know why I thought it was Krusty who wrote about
    swapping the two ignition boxes - it was Jack Hunt... D'Oh..
    Mark Hickey
    Mark Hickey, Jul 12, 2005
  6. Patrick

    Patrick Guest

    Thanks for the help on the tac/sensor. But can anyone address the #2
    instrument read- out problum?

    Patrick, Jul 20, 2005
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