7 day wait

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by wessie, Nov 17, 2010.

  1. wessie

    Beav Guest

    I must drive a car with a fucking amazingly accurate speedo then, coz every
    one of the "Speed notification" sensors that show you how fast you're going,
    are within a single MPH when I activate them and compare. At 30mph, they're
    usually the same. Anyway, a NIP will either come or not and we'll either
    know about it or not.

    Either way, I'm just glad it wasn't my number that got flashed at an
    indicated 38mph.
    Beav, Nov 18, 2010
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  2. wessie

    Lozzo Guest

    My BMW's speedo is absolutely bang on with my satnav and the flashing
    warning signs in villages. That makes my Fiesta van's speedo about 5%
    out at the satnav's recorded 100mph as it's reading 105.

    Versys 650 Inter-Continental Hyperbolistic Missile , CBR600F-W racebike
    in the making, TS250C, RD400F (somewhere)
    BMW E46 318iSE (it's a car, not one of those 2-wheeled pieces of shite
    they churn out)
    Lozzo, Nov 18, 2010
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  3. wessie

    sweller Guest

    Total **** - corrosive and his analysis is rarely incisive - or fucking
    accurate. I was on an R5 political panel with him (for three bloody

    and Mark Kermode's film review.

    sweller, Nov 19, 2010
  4. wessie

    sweller Guest

    I thought it pretty interesting - less about the objects more about the
    politics of the gae (although I'm only up to 50 so far)
    sweller, Nov 19, 2010
  5. wessie

    sweller Guest

    Actually, it had very little coverage about olde worlde homoes. Bit of
    Greek and that was it.

    Hullo clouds, hullo sky.
    sweller, Nov 19, 2010
  6. wessie

    Ace Guest

    I can play DVDs on the satnav screen on my VW. Not tried it while
    driving, mind.
    Ace, Nov 19, 2010
  7. wessie

    Ace Guest

    dunno about the ones in the UK, but they're very common, and becoming
    ever more so, in French villages. Without exception, they're also set
    to over-read, and they generally just about match my speedo. One or
    two of them are even higher than that.
    Ace, Nov 19, 2010
  8. wessie

    TMack Guest

    In my experience car speedometers tend to be much more accurate than those
    on bikes. My previous BMW 3 series, my curent SAAB and Helen's Citroen C3
    are all accurate within 1% or so up to 90 mph. On the other hand, my
    V-Strom reads about 10% over the sat-nav at those speeds and the ST3 is
    also about 10% optimistic.
    TMack, Nov 19, 2010
  9. wessie

    Beav Guest

    It's pretty common for the discrepancy to get bigger the faster you go.
    Beav, Nov 19, 2010
  10. wessie

    Beav Guest

    Same here. You can't go anywhere without some fucking electronic sign
    telling you you're going too fast.

    My car seems a lot closer to them than the bike is. I often think it must be
    a real **** behind me only doing 27mph when I'm on the bike, but it's
    invariably not, it's just *this* **** reading 30 on the speedo.
    Beav, Nov 19, 2010
  11. wessie

    David Guest

    No, I think it's just that the bike doesn't present a large
    enough/right shape target for them. It's very rare for the flashing
    signs round here to give me a reading within 5mph of my actual speed,
    and they generally give several different numbers as I approach. The
    best I've managed was one that read 4...6...8...12 as I passed it as
    slightly above the 30mph limit.

    David, Nov 19, 2010
  12. wessie

    CT Guest

    They definitely over-read. The one in Holyport the other day displayed
    46 when I went past.
    CT, Nov 19, 2010
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