550 Nighthawk Engine Tick

Discussion in 'Motorcycle Technical Discussion' started by tetfordmatthew, Jun 9, 2005.

  1. The original thread is located here.


    Ok, it's been awhile but I have finally recieved and installed the new
    lash adjusters. I bled them according to my shop manual and put
    everything back the way it's supposed to be. Wouldn't you know it, the
    tick is still there.

    I have no idea where to go from here. Is it possible that the valves
    are damaged or the clearances are out anyway? I really have no idea
    what the sound could be. If anyone has any ideas on what the problem
    may be they would be greatly appreciated.

    tetfordmatthew, Jun 9, 2005
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  2. The tick is really consistent though, I thought that a cam chain or
    chain tensioner problem would be more of a rattle at lower rpms? I
    guess its possible.

    Would wear on the chain have to be visable or would I have to take it
    out to see if its worn and/or damaged?

    Also I guess I would have to tear down the engine engine (ie remove the
    head) to change the cam chain tensioner. I have seen that bit in the
    book but I can't remember right now.

    tetfordmatthew, Jun 9, 2005
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