5 Most Stupid Things

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by serf, Jan 9, 2004.

  1. serf

    serf Guest

    (Arising from the discussion last April about the fuckwittedness of doing a
    ton on the hard shoulder, which one prominant UKRMer declared did not make
    his Top 5 Most Stupid Things Done On A Bike:)

    What are the 5 most stupid things that you can do on a bike?
    serf, Jan 9, 2004
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  2. 1. Crash.
    2. Crash naked.
    3. Crash naked into nettles.
    4. Crash naked into nettles with a naked pillion.
    5. Crash naked into nettles with a naked pillion whilst someone
    is there to take a photo of your crashed nettle stung nakedness.

    William Grainger, Jan 9, 2004
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  3. serf

    flashgorman Guest

    Not wearing leathers and boots.
    Driving fast on public roads.
    Getting your knee down.
    Changing the standard exhaust.
    Photocopying a penguin.
    flashgorman, Jan 9, 2004
  4. serf

    MattG Guest

    1. Getting caught.
    MattG, Jan 9, 2004
  5. serf

    serf Guest

    Indeed, it does!

    (Mental note taken. When crashing into nettles, apply more beans and flatten
    camera-wielding bystander.)
    serf, Jan 9, 2004
  6. serf

    darsy Guest

    * Do an indicated 176mph through the Hatfield Tunnel whilst wearing a
    very dark visor.
    * Ride a Bandit 1200 down a 4' ditch into a corn field, 3 hours after
    picking it up brand new from the dealers.
    * Ride from the pump to the pay hut at a French filling station, stop,
    and attempt to get wallet out of pocket to pay beautiful female
    attendant, whilst not having realised you haven't put either foot

    darsy, Jan 9, 2004
  7. serf

    serf Guest

    Andy Bonwick wrote :
    I take it that we are referring to this:
    http://tinyurl.com/357m3 ?

    Most illuminating....
    serf, Jan 9, 2004
  8. serf

    Mash Guest

    Class ;-)

    Does 140 through Blackwall tunnel at 5:30pm on a wednesday count?

    Braking too quickly outside a pizza palour, dropping the bike, then realise
    the place is shut.

    Practicing an emegency stop then taking a tight right corner..... without
    looking behind you first.

    Ride from Birmingham to Luton after reading a snow weather forcast, on the
    heaviest snowfall of the year..... and getting lost on the way, covering 100
    additional unrequired miles.

    Turn down the wrong way on a Dutch one-way street, getting caught in a tram
    rail and beeping the horn repeatedly on the tankbag as you try to manouver
    out, in front of 100 dutch bikers.
    Mash, Jan 9, 2004
  9. serf

    deadmail Guest

    - Forget to tighten up the rear wheel securing nuts on a BMW K100, ride
    it for 400 miles and wonder why the cornering feels funny; do about 80
    down a straight, back off the throttle and curse the flat tyre causing
    it to weave badly. Get off and note the tyre is fine... the wheel's
    hanging on by about three turns on each of the securing bolts...

    - Forget to check a snotoillers working on a GPZ600r. After several
    weeks of commuting wonder what the funny noise is. Ignore it. After
    another few days look at the rusty thing best described as a 'friction
    drive'... marvel at the bits missing off the split link. *Still* ride
    40 miles home before you can get the plate and clip to fix it.

    I can't remember the other stuff. Here's three serious ones because the
    above never happened to me.

    1. Overtake slow moving traffic on a junction where the 'other side of
    the road is clear'.

    2. Filter on a Motorway at excessive speed where 2 lanes are merging
    into 1.

    3. Forget to tighten wheel nuts up on BMW K100s.
    deadmail, Jan 9, 2004
  10. serf

    Mash Guest

    Anyone got a working link to the images?
    Mash, Jan 9, 2004
  11. serf

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    In no particular order:

    * Dropped the bike on a little 'tit in the road' roundabout whilst doing
    about 5mph. Thankfully there was nobody present to witness my

    * Losing the backend on the way out of a roundabout at around 40mph and
    having the bike land on me. Ouch, but thank you waxed-clothing-manufacturer,
    I think that might have been messier if it weren't for you.

    * Forgetting that 'the reason there are suddenly street lights along an
    unlit road is because there will be a junction coming shortly' whilst riding
    through pissing rain up the A5 IIRC. I had one of those 'can't see shit
    through it' visors which I'd had to lift slightly to actually see through
    the rain, the rain was most hurty on my face at speed, so I was squinting a
    lot, oh and did I mention the candlestick-for-a-headlight that bike had? Cut
    to the chase, along comes a roundabout and I'm way way way too late on the
    brakes, I did sort of hold it together by skidding and slipping around the
    damn thing the wrong way and ending up parked in the hatched area of the
    third exit (no idea, can't actually remember much between entering the
    roundabout and being parked in the hatchmarks).

    (I think there's a pattern emerging there... perhaps I should move to the
    USA, they have fewer roundabouts :) )

    * Riding away from my gf's place having forgotten to put my lid on, got
    stopped by the plod who fortunately laughed at me when I explained what had
    happened (still got me for not having any road tax though, which wasn't such
    a big deal back then <shrug>).

    * Loading heavy college books into the top box of my Yam RS100 then
    deliberately riding up a hill-whose-name-I-never knew on the way home, I
    don't think the front wheel much troubled the road surface of that hill.
    Stupid, but loadsafun :)

    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 9, 2004
  12. serf

    Sorby Guest

    1. Take your key out of the ignition to unlock the fuel-cap so you can check
    how much fuel there is left but then drop the key into the tank - all whilst
    still coasting along in the middle of a TT race.

    2. Drop your FJ1200 in front of a restaurant window full of all your work

    3. Let your non-biking work colleague sit astride your bike during a
    lunch-break. He suddenly starts rocking it backwards and forwards - smashing
    the disk-lock against front mudguard.

    4. Assume that you are safe simply because you have right of way.

    5. Ride somebody else's ride.
    Sorby, Jan 9, 2004
  13. serf

    Sorby Guest

    I should add that this didn't happen to me. But it did happen to a TT
    racer. Once. Maybe.
    Sorby, Jan 9, 2004
  14. serf

    Zobo Kolonie Guest

    Heading south along South Africa's N1 "motorway" (more like a chuffing B
    road for the most part) the exit for Bloemfontein does not appear to be
    signposted (well if it is then I've never seen the sign). It is signposted
    if you're heading north though. Discovering that cost me a 280km detour :-/

    But that wasn't on a bike so it prolly doesn't count.

    Zobo Kolonie, Jan 9, 2004
  15. serf

    Cab Guest

    1. Close your eyes.
    2. Have a wank with your eyes closed
    3. Have a wank with your eyes closed doing 186mph
    4. Have a wank with your eyes closed doing 186mph past a radar
    5. Have a wank with your eyes closed doing 186mph past a radar, that's
    being operated by Plod. [1]

    [1] DAMHIK,IJD,OK.
    Cab, Jan 9, 2004
  16. serf

    Slider Guest

    I was going to ask how you remove the key from the lock of a fuel cap when
    it's open, but I guess you wouldn't know?
    Slider, Jan 9, 2004
  17. serf

    Lozzo Guest

    William Grainger said...
    You forgot:

    6. Crash naked into nettles with a naked pillion whilst someone
    is there to take a photo of your crashed nettle stung nakedness and it's
    someone elses bike you've crashed.
    Lozzo, Jan 9, 2004
  18. Erm, you turn the key back and remove it.

    I often do it when filling up with petrol - saves
    disarming the alarm.
    Steve Brassett, Jan 9, 2004
  19. serf

    Otis Guest

    Here in SE Michigan the local city decided to put in a roundabout instead of
    mucking things up with a traffic light at a particular intersection which is
    only busy about two times a day. YEA!!! I thought, finally someone had
    some sense. Well, it turns out that this may have been a bad decsion
    because now everyone treats the thing as if it were a four way stop!!!

    My question to you guys/gals who regularly use roundabouts, who has the
    right of way? For instance <fx traffic talk converted to the British style>
    if I approach the roundabout following a vehicle that is entering the
    roundabout do I continue into the circle if there is no one coming from the
    right (clockwise) even if there is a car at the next entry point on the left
    and he got there first?

    I've seen people stop while in the circle in order "be nice" and let someone
    else in. Um, doesn't that defeat the whole roundabout principle?

    96 Daytona 900
    Otis, Jan 9, 2004
  20. Basically, you give way to those already on the roundabout.
    Sure does.
    Steve Brassett, Jan 9, 2004
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