40 going on 4

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mick McHam, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. LOL

    Oh really?
    you haven't listed the Trustees nor contacted Baylor Pathology after
    being given the information to do so many, many times. Why? Would that
    make you look the fool? Of course it will ! Why do you think I put the
    information out there ? If you follow it up, it shows Briana is dumb as
    a post yet again. of course that's not very hard to do.... <g>

    See what Dr. Richard Sifers, Chairman of the Scientific Advisory
    Committe for the Moran Foundation at Baylor CoM has to say. Richard's
    number is 713-798-3169 and his email is
    He's listed in several of the articles I've posted with all his
    contact information, which is standard protocol for published research.
    You should have contacted him long ago, but you didn't, did you. He
    knows me well, knows I ride and also operate the recording studios as
    well as running the Moran Foundation.

    Want more? Dr. Tom Wheeler is the new Chairman of the Department of
    Pathology and he can be reached at 713/798-4664. I need to return his
    call to me from last week about an awards dinner for this years winning
    research projects.

    Sorry, we're not funding studies on hypothermia and this little diatribe
    of yours has nothing to do with the original topic of loud exhausts,

    ->It does make you look like the ass you are, Briana. <-.

    L O L
    another viewer, Nov 16, 2004
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  2. Mick McHam

    Brian Walker Guest


    The only thing "pathological" about Johnny Moron is being a liar.

    And a F_A_T one at that.

    |J.MoXon |
    The 'X' Man
    Brian Walker, Nov 16, 2004
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