Not that I don't agree on using common sense, but you would inevitably end up with some faction of people that would want laws drawn up because they still don't agree with you. --Fullstate Me and Mah 'Priller!
"Flame War" idiots are coming out of all the cracks, aren't they ??? ROTFL.. How come you arent' talking about someone neglecting a kid and contributing to it's death, you worthless pimp.?? Oh.. I got it.. You've been attending all the functions around the state with your nametag covered so that no one would recognize you.. LOL... Get lost el creepo.. you've spent all your money..
i must be on the money when all you can come up with is the same tired old bs and you do not respond the actual discussion, but that's to be expected from you. the inevitable part of this issue is that with increasing emissions regulations coming into force, the time is coming where motorcycle exhaust systems will have to meet noise and emissions standards that will take most of the offending machines off the streets. the EPA regulations and concurrent state inspection laws will do that and no one can stop it from happening. the same sort of emissions equipment and the testing that is now done with automobiles will be required for motorcycles. catalytic converters are already standard on many motorcycles, particularly those for the california market where the CARB has very stringent requirements, including any motorcycle brought in from out of state must be brought up to standards. that trend will come to be law everywhere in the US within ten years, if that long. Those who continue to aggravate the situation will only make it worse for everyone riding. as the public gets fed up with the noise, more ordinances are written and new areas become off limits to riders.
Bingo.. LMAO... go for it, and your contemptible buddy sure make a majority.. Good luck..
Didn't miss anything.. That fool Albert Nurick has been posting his childish shit on this newsgroup all day.. I've ignored his juvenile ass all day.. You joined his stupid ass with the same intent to create yourself another flame war.. Neither you nor Albert have any credibile input.. Neither you nor Albert have provided any meaningful contribution to efforts to benefit motorcyclists .. Your pitiful contributions to a newgroup is pathetic, especially when both of you contribute to the detestible flame wars that you are famous for.. You wanted it, bring it on, coward.. Furthur exposure of your detestible ass is headed your way.. again..
Aside from that ONE stunt you pulled on the freeway when it was raining out you are one of the more sensible riders I know. Female Dr.? I just won't even go there.... Hope it's soon! After Dec., I may be on an extended leave of absence! --Fullstate Me and Mah 'Priller!
Well you won't get any empathy from me with regards to the Walkers. Needless to say, I don't always agree with them and rarely do we ever eye to eye when it comes to politics. However, I have ridden with them both on several occasions and don't have any problem with them. You are on your own on that one. --Fullstate Me and Mah 'Priller!
Speaking of not "responding the actual discussion", what about this research foundation that you have no mention in? I still want an answer...are you saying that you're over that foundation? Are you saying you're the John Moran who founded that foundation? Are you saying you're the Moran who's been involved in numerous ethics suits in civil courts? Are you saying you're the Moran who has been fighting off many other civil suits and had to finally be dissolved? Tell us!
You might check again, Johnny Moron. The two elections that I was most concerned with was the Dallas County Sheriff's election and the seat for District Court 162 in Dallas County. Both of those are democrats who were elected into the strictest of republican territories. Bill Rhea and Jim Bowles are both looking for warehouse work right now. Danny Chandler is sitting down at the jail trying to figure out how he got his ass beat by someone who isn't even a certified peace officer in Texas. And for what it's worth to you, Terrell Bolton is sitting in some security job crying about losing his job. Last I saw him, he was at a church here in Dallas boo-hoo'ing about losing that cushy job that he was arrogantly claiming no one could do anything about. Just because you live in a place where a fat ass can sit back and do nothing, doesn't mean all of us do that. Some of us make a difference. The "general public" has a majority of bikers who run aftermarket pipes. Most of those aftermarket pipes are either straight pipes or in excess of noise compared to factory. You don't represent the "majority"...although, you're majority in size (S-U-P-E-R--S-I-Z-E) I don't see that happening. There's still too many who run aftermarket pipes to allow that to happen. You see, like I said in the beginning, you don't represent the majority and there are still many of us who are committed to making a difference.
i have many times. you choose to ignore it but i've posted it many times before, generally along with some research projects we've funded. here's one project from last year: since you are too dense to read that, here's more basic info: Department of Pathology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX simply because you can't find it, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. it only means you are too stupid to find it or choose not to do so. besides, what you think means nothing to me, the researchers nor the very valuable work the foundation conducts.
Whew .. Fullstate.. you sure have a way with bursting someone's bubble.. This little knothead has been under the impression that him and his little buddies were a majority on this newsgroup.. LMAO.. Now .. you done it.. Won't hear from him again until he senses another wild flame war is about to take place... Pshawwww... Your friend in Irving Bill Walker
Hello flame war.. LOL.. Your most notable achievement, that can be confirmed is that you thrive on flame wars and taking sleazy pot shots on a news group.. Shall we continue .. As I've pointed out.. creating yet another flame war, isn't going to enhance your image or reputation .. Course.. you can always commence the familiar complaint of being "attacked" by the Walkers .. Trouble is John.. you've exposed your sleazy character on this n/g too many times.. Take your lumps like a half assed man and just drop your ridiculous posturing..
Oh, I'm sure. I'm also sure that you're not connected with it. You keep saying now "the foundation"...not "my foundation". Does it no longer belong to you? Do you no longer "run" it? Don't show us what the Moran Foundation has us that you're connected with it. I can't seem to find your name anywhere connected. I've listed the people on the board and past board for that foundation and your name wasn't there. Are you the janitor or something?
So, you're a chicken shit of a "punk kid"? Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. Trust me, if I was that "punk" that you threw a brick better believe you and I would be talking. I wouldn't care if it were 1am or and I would be nosed up...QUICKLY. You don't have enough police to keep me off you at that point. You remind me of a couple slobs that were in the tax office several months ago when my dad and I went in there. The lady at the desk asked if she could help us and my dad went over to see what we needed to do. I went over and held our place in the line, because I sorta figured she would tell us to wait in line. Even though the woman my dad was talking to wasn't doing anything related to license renewals, there were two guys in the line who went to talking it up about my dad speaking to that woman. They were saying all sorts of things about it. Apparently they didn't realize I had been standing right behind them. I finally leaned up and asked them why they didn't just go over and tell him what they think of him talking to the woman. They looked surprised and then started saying "well, didn't you see us standing here waiting in line?". I said "sure I did...and I didn't care and neither does he...what of it?". Then they really started putting on a performance and started telling me what they were going to do with me. I told them "okay, let's go"...and I started for the door. I got to the door and they didn't move...standing there like a couple fools that were about to crap themselves. I then went back over and told them how foolish they were being and they needed to just calm down or get outside and get with it. Instead, they started again telling me what they would do with me. On their way out, they started telling me again. I finally went outside after I finished what I'd been doing....about 3 minutes...and they were long gone. That's what you remind me of. If you were smart, you'd step outside and talk to them about it on their level and let them know how it bothers you and you'd appreciate it if they'd turn it down as they drove by. Explaining things to people tends to go farther than chunking bricks at them.
I have 2 bits of advice: 1. Don't do anything you wouldn't want publicly known. 2. Pasting a bit of the dialog from the previous post when replying is a GOOD THING.