40 going on 4

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mick McHam, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    There are several conditions here, that you have not shared with us.. Were
    those bikers coming in or were they leaving ? If they were parking their
    bikes to go into that establishment, you should know that most Harley riders
    will rev their engines a few times to clear the carbs.. force of habit.. and
    not necessary on the later models..

    Without defending those riders, if they were coming in or going out, only
    requires a few short minutes .. Surely yours and those other people have a
    patience tolerance to accept that short lived interruption.. If not, maybe
    you shouldn't be out in the public.. See what I'm saying here..? City buses
    are also very obnoxious with noise and black smoke..
    What .. in your mind.. should law enforcement have done to those bikers.. ??

    As a result, the public thinks they
    Much of the public have preconceived ideas about bikers, anyway.. Without
    thinking they'll associate a biker with an outlaw image.. They'll react
    accordingly.. Been there done that and bought the cap.. They don't realize
    that some of the pillars of communties and government are riding

    My impression from you is that those bikers sat in the parking lot revving
    their engines for an extended period of time.. That being the case, those
    were posers and not bikers.. In that case .. management of the restaurant
    should have been advised and suggested to take appropriate action to correct
    the disturbance.. If this was a brief disturbance of duration of a few
    short minutes while those bikers were parking or leaving.. suck it up and
    exercise patience..

    You're no stranger to motorcycles and bikers.. Don't allow prejudice against
    Bikers style and their rides persuade you to endorse action that would
    impose on them.. Who knows, you may encounter the same prejudice next time
    you pull into a place that doesn't approve of your type motorcycle and the
    way you are riding it.. It does happen, Mick.. Harley riders are know to be
    the most discriminating of all bikers..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
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  2. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    If you are under the impression that this a new phenomenon, you are
    mistaken.. The incident I reported in Oklahoma took place almost twenty
    years ago..
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
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  3. <> (Laws).....Unfortunately they aren't using them. As a result, the
    public thinks they need to propose outright bans of motorcycles in
    certain areas rather than insisting that the cops enforce what's already
    on the books.
    Mick McHam   Houston, Tx
    Personally, I don't think the majority of regular citizens (public) are
    that concerned about Motorcycles "roaring" here and there, because there
    are so many "Bikers" these (modern) days. I bet you could pick 100
    folks, out at the Mall, and ask em "do you feel that motorcycles are too
    loud, and should be banned"?
    <>I would guess, that maybe 20% would complain. Because, there is such
    a variety of the "types" of folks that Ride Bikes, these
    days....Lawyers, Doctors,
    plumbers, electricians,accountants, salesman, iron workers, ministers,
    the CMA associations, and many more ordinary folks, AND I say...the 75%
    that were okay, that had no complaint, probably, knows some minister or
    some one that has a Motorcylce in his Garage, and thinks thats
    "cool".......so dont get excited, Mick, you and I will have the
    privaledge of owning as many Bikes as we wanna, and have them as Quite
    or as loud as we desire... for many moons to come....huh? hmmmm?

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 13, 2004
  4. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    whoo ... hoooo.. ain't that gospel.. I can't imagine telling ol' Rick to get
    rid of 'em because they look too damn good.. huh ?
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  5. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    As it turns out.. three motorcycles were involved .. Still don't know if
    they were just clearing carbs for parking or start up.. If they were just
    sitting in the parking lot revving and romping, they were just some yuppies
    with wannabe complexes...LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  6. Mick McHam

    Mick McHam Guest

    That I know of, I wasn't in the area of a biker hangout. It was just
    Bill, whether they were clearing the carbs (yes they were arriving) or
    whether they were just showing off really doesn't matter one whit to the
    general public. All I and the people around me knew was that they were
    subjected to a needless sonic barrage. They would have probably never
    noticed these guys if they'd had the stock Harley mufflers (which I think
    sound great) or some equivalent. But because they had straight pipes, they
    imposed on others with their racket. Like it or not, personal freedom or
    not, when you go pissing off the general public, they're gonna eventually
    get enough and bite back at some point. Unfortunately, as I've mentioned
    already, when they do bite back it's liable to be via laws that affect all
    of us, even those of us who don't do straight pipes and don't bother the
    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    website: http://www.hal-pc.org/~mmcham
    Mick McHam, Nov 13, 2004
  7. Mick McHam

    Bownse Guest

    Confiscation of private property gets to be a sticky thing.

    just keep upping the fine and impound the car for non-payment when it
    gets high enough. Sell it at auction to cover the fees.

    re: Rule #1 of the book on The War on Some Drugs.

    Correlation to Rule #1: Forces will be influenced to gradually broaden
    their definition of violations as they learn how their coffers bulge
    from the enforcement of Rule #1.
    Bownse, Nov 13, 2004
  8. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    I understand exactly what you are saying.. Unfortunately, there are many
    annoyances when we go out in the public..
    My good friend Jailcall has offered a reasonable suggestion .. "Why didn't
    you just request them to mellow out"..There are many irritants that everyone
    is exposed to in public.. Show offs on motorcycles are just one of them..
    Come on now, Mick..

    All I and the people around me knew was that they were
    The inconvenience of that sonic barrage lasted, how long ? Your location on
    a public street and in an open area.. patio type cafe, wasn't it ? Not
    really isolated, makes you just a bit more vulnerable to intrusions of noise
    and/or interruption.. In your case, it was three motorcycles..

    Like it or not, personal freedom or
    That is true.. Freeway shootings take place because of irritation of the
    public, frequently..Thin skinned people who are particularly sensitive to
    certain elements should avoid areas where they will be susceptible.. Three
    motorcycles on a public street or thorofare don't constitute an imposition..
    I wasn't there, and mine or anyone else's opinion is strictly unqualified,
    but I will agree with Jailcall, if the situation were of such magnitude and
    duration, you or one of the other patrons should have asked for relief from
    someone . management, etc..

    Unfortunately, as I've mentioned
    LOL.. yep.. many examples of disgruntled public biting back is on the books
    as laws, right now.. With all due respect to your busy life, we all have
    responsibilities, consider taking a look at TMRA II or ABATE.. Their
    interests are legislative issues which affect motorcyclists and the general

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  9. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    First of all .. your comment about the "mexico sounding" exhaust systems is
    more than offensive.. Secondly, if there are that many irritants on public
    highways and streets for you, then perhaps ordinances to protect the general
    public from you should be examined.. The "faster than a bullet" comment only
    confirms that you just might be more of a threat than any motorcyclist, no
    matter how loud his pipes are..

    Since, I've had previous experience with you..

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  10. Mick McHam

    Brian Walker Guest

    I just wanted to start by saying: You're an idiot with that final
    statement (as if the rest wasn't enough).

    It's kinda hard for a blowhard like yourself to get any "laws" put
    into effect anyway when you won't even get involved in the system.
    Just sitting at the VFW hall shooting pool with the other rednecks
    won't do anything but impress yourselves. It doesn't impress me.

    Oh, and your "mexico sounding" statement is an offensive piece of
    trash...from an offensive piece of trash.

    If you don't like the sound of these pipes, stay your 'loser ass'(tm)
    out of the street.
    Brian Walker, Nov 14, 2004
  11. Mick McHam

    Bownse Guest

    Selectivity is the problem. LEOs are working on them and one option is
    a barrier strip across the street that, as the car passes and make
    contact, overloads the ECU.
    Bownse, Nov 14, 2004
  12. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    Well now.. Albert.. you've run rampant through this thread.. Each of your
    little rants get a bit nastier and a little more aggressive than the last..

    Mick McHam posted a pretty good issue that he experienced.. No need for a
    flame war to commence, as determined as you seem to create one..

    All you childish rantings is doing very little more than make yourself look
    even more foolish than you are.. Actually, since you have no record of
    participation in the passing or defeating any of the legislation that
    affects motorcycle enthusiasts, then your comments are like the ones of
    people who don't vote.. Just STFU.. Right, wrong or indifferent, you don't
    have a stake in the legislative results.. And all your little feel good
    rants, are irrelevant. I don't believe you are going to create a flame war
    over this issue.. Thanks

    Bill Walker
    Irving, Tx.
    Bill Walker, Nov 14, 2004
  13. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    With regards to public areas, cities, towns, etc. I don't agree with
    those types of things and you know it.

    Private business, etc. Sure, do whatever you want.
    I STILL have a real issue with asshole cops that feel a need to
    harrass bikers all the time. Just drives me nuts.

    Then again, look at all the asshole bikers out there breaking the law
    all the time!

    hehe, I've been known to make fun of people when I probably shouldn't.

    But, I wouldn't knowingly go to a place that I don't want to be and
    then complain about it. That's just moronic, yet people do it all the


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 14, 2004
  14. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    Just out of curiosity, is the ban against all bikes or just bikes that
    have straight pipes and violate noise ordinances?

    BTW - I don't have straight pipes, I ride a sport bike. But I do have
    performance pipes and I know that technically they are illegal.
    However, they are nothing compared to some of these little-dick-big-v

    (ducking the tomatoes and beer bottles)


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 14, 2004
  15. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    Even if it's not the loud bikes, we have plenty of squids that are
    endangering the lives of people on the highway every day.
    Surprisingly, they just don't see it. I don't mean they don't care
    (they don't) but they don't even see how they are a danger to everyone
    else, either.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 14, 2004
  16. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    I don't particularly have a big issue with a noise ordinance. I do
    have an issue with it being enforced only on bikers and not on
    vehicles that can be heard from three blocks away.


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 14, 2004
  17. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    a confiscated vehicle for a noise violation? That's a bit harsh,
    don't you think?
    Funny you say that. I was at the International Motorcycle Show last
    year (BTW - coming up next weekend) and was waiting in line to get
    some earplugs.

    A bunch of Harley guys walked by and said something to the effect of
    "what do I need earplugs for? I can't hear a damned thing anyway."

    Needless to say I just started laughing to myself and thinking "what a


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 14, 2004
  18. speaking of legislative failures, I see the folks you supported got just
    about run out of the state this last election.

    perhaps you are out touch with the vast majority of voting texans.

    you are also one who runs straight pipes. the general public sees it
    as some fool on a loud crappy bike making unnecessary noise.

    if figures the two would go together. you are part of the problem, not
    the solution. if noise ordinances and/or exhaust controls are made
    stiffer, or current regulations become enforced to the letter of the
    law, you can thank yourself for having contributed to that happening.
    another viewer, Nov 14, 2004
  19. Mick McHam

    Bownse Guest

    If people used common sense there'd be no outcry for more laws on
    issues that are already addressed by what exists on the books.

    That people clamor for slavery proves beyond a doubt that common sense
    isn't common.
    Bownse, Nov 14, 2004
  20. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    There you go, talking about me again.. behind my back, as usual... LMAO...
    Are you saying that I'm a clear and present danger whenever I mount that
    Vulcan and hit the road.. I resent that, Fullstate.. Shame.. Shame on

    Between the damned weather and female doctors, I don't know when I will be
    getting out again.. Hmmm.. sure am hungry for some catfish, though..

    Stay safe, pard.. See you soon..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 14, 2004
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