40 going on 4

Discussion in 'Texas Bikers' started by Mick McHam, Nov 12, 2004.

  1. Mick McHam

    Mick McHam Guest

    The Setting:

    Last week, Key West, Florida, temps in the upper 70's to lower 80's, gentle
    breeze, beautiful cloudless sunny skies, my wife and I, along with several
    other couples around us, are enjoying a wonderful meal and quiet
    at an open air cafe near the old town city center.

    Enter several childish morons with their straight pipe Harleys on
    the street outside:

    Conversation stops, those around us wince and some curses are murmured as
    the deafening roar of the Harley's destroy the peaceful ambiance. The pilots
    of these machines, like 5 year old children, are intent on making their
    presence known by incessant revving of their engines until they are finally
    shut down as they park them at the bar across the street. Mark up another
    victory in the battle to shut down areas of the US to all motorcycles.

    I know that this topic has been covered before but why is it so hard to get
    this kind of behavior stopped? What's wrong with passing a law that says
    that all motorcycles must be equipped with OEM mufflers or their equivalent?
    I know some will say that it's already against the law via various noise
    ordinances throughout the US but the problem is that these "noise" laws
    aren't specific enough to hit the problem on the head and they're hard to
    enforce. What's needed is a specific, unambiguous law that leaves little
    wiggle room.

    Don't know about you folks, but I'm with a lot of Americans in their
    irritation with this immature behavior. My recent edition of the AMA
    magazine stated that they were fighting motorcycle banning ordinances in
    five places. These cases will only increase until something is done to deal
    with the source of the problem rather than its effect.
    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    website: http://www.hal-pc.org/~mmcham
    Mick McHam, Nov 12, 2004
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  2. Mick McHam

    Bownse Guest

    The same thing that's wrong with every sentence that starts out with,
    "There ought to be a law...". Do the math and come back to me when
    you figure out that the government isn't the answer to all your bitching.
    Bownse, Nov 12, 2004
    1. Advertisements

  3. Mick McHam

    Mick McHam Guest

    What's wrong with passing a law that says

    I'm not concerned with ideology Mark. I just want something done about the
    obnoxious behavior of those that choose to disturb the piece with straight
    pipes however it's done. If it's not taken care of soon, there will be many
    municipalities banning all motorcycles (not just "straight pipers") in some
    of our favorite riding areas. There will always be people in our midst that
    will practice anti-social behavior. They are NOT going to voluntarily stop
    it. The only thing that will force them to change their ways are laws that
    are enforced. Sorry but laws come from the government. If you can come up
    with some other way to alter their behavior I'm open to hearing about it.
    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    website: http://www.hal-pc.org/~mmcham
    Mick McHam, Nov 12, 2004
  4. Mick McHam

    The Family Guest

    I agree, I guess. As long as they're just motoring down the road,
    it doesn't bother me too much. But, that showoff decibel pissing
    contest stuff, gets old real fast.

    I know the argument is "loud pipes save lives", but they can ruin
    some lives also. I don't believe that having loud pipes are any
    more safe than regular mufflers. My reasoning is the same as
    emergency vehicles. They can be heard, but often you will see
    others drivers pull right in front of them in the confusion of the
    attempt to get out of the way. I think the loud pipes rationalization
    is merely justification hype. They are certainly saving no lives
    sitting in a bar parking lot, revving until all the windows shatter.

    Regarding the noise ordinance. When I was a kid, first beginning
    to ride the small Hondas, etc. We always wanted, and sometimes
    did, replace the stock mufflers with louder exhausts(megaphones).
    (I haven't heard that word in a while, kinda' like calling a band a
    combo. lol), but we were always careful because the local const-
    abulary could, and did, give us "loud muffler" tickets.

    Apparently, that doesn't happen anymore, or at least, I've not seen
    any worry of it. You'd probably come closer to a noise violation by
    those "woofer guns" in the back seat of your "schevy", than a Harly
    pumpin' out 160db.

    The Family, Nov 12, 2004
  5. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    Hey now, Mitch.. sounds like you have an issue.. Tell you what.. the TMRA II
    state advisors meeting is going to start at 1:00 PM saturday, Nov.13th.. in
    Elgin, Tx..

    That would be an excellent opportunity for you to make your concerns heard
    ... That meeting will be expicitly for the concerns and issues affecting ALL
    bikers.. The upcoming legislative session have some specific bills that will
    be addressed also.. The meeting is open and you'll be welcome, even though
    you are not a member of TMRA II..

    You have a special invitation from me to attend, as my guest.. Have a good
    one and I'll be looking for you tomorrow.. OK ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 12, 2004
  6. :
    : I agree, I guess. As long as they're just motoring down the road,
    : it doesn't bother me too much. But, that showoff decibel pissing
    : contest stuff, gets old real fast.
    : I know the argument is "loud pipes save lives", but they can ruin
    : some lives also. I don't believe that having loud pipes are any
    : more safe than regular mufflers. My reasoning is the same as
    : emergency vehicles. They can be heard, but often you will see
    : others drivers pull right in front of them in the confusion of the
    : attempt to get out of the way. I think the loud pipes rationalization
    : is merely justification hype. They are certainly saving no lives
    : sitting in a bar parking lot, revving until all the windows shatter.
    : Regarding the noise ordinance. When I was a kid, first beginning
    : to ride the small Hondas, etc. We always wanted, and sometimes
    : did, replace the stock mufflers with louder exhausts(megaphones).
    : (I haven't heard that word in a while, kinda' like calling a band a
    : combo. lol), but we were always careful because the local const-
    : abulary could, and did, give us "loud muffler" tickets.
    : Apparently, that doesn't happen anymore, or at least, I've not seen
    : any worry of it. You'd probably come closer to a noise violation by
    : those "woofer guns" in the back seat of your "schevy", than a Harly
    : pumpin' out 160db.
    : Gary

    Having a really quite Beemer pass me is very annoying and at times
    startling. Why not outlaw OEM mufflers and make everyone run straight pipes?

    Everybody has an axe to grind. What ever happened to tolerance, live and let
    live and live free or die?

    Now, if it really bugs you, the next time you become annoyed by loud
    mufflers, why not just go over to the culprit and ask him, in a polite
    manner of course, to shut it down?
    Tiny Tim \(NMRN\), Nov 12, 2004
  7. :
    : : > The Setting:
    : >
    : > Last week, Key West, Florida, temps in the upper 70's to lower 80's,
    : gentle
    : > breeze, beautiful cloudless sunny skies, my wife and I, along with
    : several
    : > other couples around us, are enjoying a wonderful meal and quiet
    : > conversation
    : > at an open air cafe near the old town city center.
    : >
    : > Enter several childish morons with their straight pipe Harleys on
    : > the street outside:
    : >
    : > Conversation stops, those around us wince and some curses are murmured
    : > the deafening roar of the Harley's destroy the peaceful ambiance. The
    : pilots
    : > of these machines, like 5 year old children, are intent on making their
    : > presence known by incessant revving of their engines until they are
    : finally
    : > shut down as they park them at the bar across the street. Mark up
    : > victory in the battle to shut down areas of the US to all motorcycles.
    : >
    : > I know that this topic has been covered before but why is it so hard to
    : get
    : > this kind of behavior stopped? What's wrong with passing a law that says
    : > that all motorcycles must be equipped with OEM mufflers or their
    : equivalent?
    : > I know some will say that it's already against the law via various noise
    : > ordinances throughout the US but the problem is that these "noise" laws
    : > simply
    : > aren't specific enough to hit the problem on the head and they're hard
    : > enforce. What's needed is a specific, unambiguous law that leaves little
    : > wiggle room.
    : >
    : > Don't know about you folks, but I'm with a lot of Americans in their
    : > irritation with this immature behavior. My recent edition of the AMA
    : > magazine stated that they were fighting motorcycle banning ordinances in
    : > five places. These cases will only increase until something is done to
    : deal
    : > with the source of the problem rather than its effect.
    : Hey now, Mitch.. sounds like you have an issue.. Tell you what.. the TMRA
    : state advisors meeting is going to start at 1:00 PM saturday, Nov.13th..
    : Elgin, Tx..
    : That would be an excellent opportunity for you to make your concerns heard
    : .. That meeting will be expicitly for the concerns and issues affecting
    : bikers.. The upcoming legislative session have some specific bills that
    : be addressed also.. The meeting is open and you'll be welcome, even though
    : you are not a member of TMRA II..
    : You have a special invitation from me to attend, as my guest.. Have a
    : one and I'll be looking for you tomorrow.. OK ?
    : Your friend in Irving
    : Bill Walker

    You're a real trip, Walker. Walker, is that your name or how you get around?

    : > Due to some personal complications, I will be unable to attend the
    Advisors meeting in Austin, tomorrow.. Sat. Nov. 13th...

    The importance of this meeting is critical and I encourage and urge everyone
    who rides a motorcycle to attend and participate in this meeting.. Whether
    you are a member or not.. TMRA II has a welcome for you.. The meetings are
    open and available to all the public..

    I'm very disappointed that I'll be unable to be there.. but.. everyone
    should find something of interest in this most important of gatherings..
    besides..you will be associated with some of the finest and most courageous
    of the bikers amongst us.. The experience will definitely be one that will
    be unforgettable.. Your voices will be heard and respected .. Your concerns
    will be considered and you'll enjoy the fellowship of some of the finest in
    our state.. Go there..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Tiny Tim \(NMRN\), Nov 12, 2004
  8. Mick McHam

    Bownse Guest

    So enforce the existing laws already on the books. This isn't an
    ideological issue, it's a freedom issue. To jump out and beg for more
    laws as a first choice is the same as asking for manacles and leg
    irons. Hold your official's feet to the fire to enforce existing laws
    instead of begging for more laws that will also be ignored.
    Bownse, Nov 13, 2004
  9. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    No offense, but I don't particularly like the idea of the govt. having
    more control / restriction over what I am allowed to do with my ride.

    I don't really like the HD riders with the straight pipes being
    assholes anymore than the next person. However, I would be lying if I
    said my bike was "quiet." Anyone that has ridden with me knows that
    it is not. Technically speaking, my bike has an SPL level above the
    legal limit, but it's nowhere near as loud as the HD folks.

    I think the key thing is whether or not you are abusive of the power
    and rights that you have. In this case, it sounds like those folks
    were abusing it and infringing on YOUR rights.
    Banning bikes? You mean outright in the county / city / town? Is
    that legal?


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 13, 2004
  10. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    IT could happen, my friend.. Several years ago, a club got pulled over, on
    their way to a rally in Oklahoma.. A local cop in a small wide spot in the
    highway town, pulled over about twenty members of a club out of Tulsa.
    Probable cause for the stop was "colors". Seems the town had an ordinance
    against wearing club colors.. Three of the bikers refused to take off their
    vests and doo rags.. They were arrested and taken to jail.. After arriving
    at the rally, which was in a nearby town, the rest of the bikers involved in
    the stop, told the brothers and sisters what had happened.. Soon there were
    more than three hundred bikers around the courthouse, demanding the release
    of those arrested bikers.. Needless to say, the situation became very
    tense.. Threats of National Guard and State Police were made, until
    finally.. one of the town's officials ordered the bikers released..

    Not relevant.. sure it is..

    Towns can pass ordinances of their choosing.. Those ordinances must be
    fought in court.. Time and money is involved and most of us don't have the
    time nor the resources to fight them, we just mail the check to cover the

    Another good example of supporting a motorcycle advocacy group like TMRA

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  11. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    Whoops.. kinda hard to determine who you are addressing this post to ? I
    sure hope it wasn't me.. I've probably owned and ridden more Harley's than
    most folks have been close to.. LOL

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  12. Mick McHam

    Mick McHam Guest

    Hey now, Mitch.. sounds like you have an issue.. Tell you what.. the TMRA

    I have to be content with just writing political representatives about
    whatever I feel needs addressing. Until I retire in a few years, I simply
    don't have the time or energy to pour myself into such organizations.
    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    website: http://www.hal-pc.org/~mmcham
    Mick McHam, Nov 13, 2004
  13. Mick McHam

    fullstate Guest

    Yeah, I had heard that story before. I think from you! I can almost
    get my hands around the "colors" thing. Not that I agree with it, but
    I could see that as a legal argument to keep the bikes away.

    Seems it would be tougher to outright ban motorcycles.
    Once again, we have to be very careful with what laws we allow to go
    onto the books. ;-)


    Me and Mah 'Priller!
    fullstate, Nov 13, 2004
  14. Mick McHam

    Mick McHam Guest

    Banning bikes? You mean outright in the county / city / town? Is
    that legal? <<

    Yes and it's been happening with increasing frequency lately. I mentioned in
    a reply above that the AMA is fighting five such bans in various parts of
    the country right now and it's because of loud pipes. I remember a post a
    while back that bikes had been banned from some street in Chicago. Yes, it's
    legal and is happening. If you have straight pipes, think about the
    consequences the next time you get ready to needlessly rev your engine.
    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    website: http://www.hal-pc.org/~mmcham
    Mick McHam, Nov 13, 2004
  15. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    Yeah.. OK.. that's understandable..Writing that representative might get
    more results than this newsgroup, but I doubt it.. Until you retire, like
    me. you might consider selecting a more appropriate restaurant for the
    romantic and quiet evening out with your wife..

    Any restaurant that is in an area of Biker hangouts is probably subject to
    be noisy and offensive.. At least, that has been my experience..

    Law enforcement have already got enough tools they can bring into play, if
    they want to harass any group, including Bikers.. TMRA II addresses issues
    of all kinds concerning legislation that affects motorcyclists..If you
    recall, TMRA II successfully opposed the helmet law, as it was imposed ..
    The opposition to that legislation resulted in modification of that law and
    with qualification exceptions, we no longer are required to wear helmets in

    Many other pieces of legislation have been affected by the influence of TMRA
    II.. Even though your participation would be limited, your support for them
    would be warranted.. Much more effective than newsgroup discussions.. ABATE
    and TMRA II both have chapters in your area.. take a look..

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  16. Mick McHam

    Mick McHam Guest

    you might consider selecting a more appropriate restaurant for the
    romantic and quiet evening out with your wife..
    Any restaurant that is in an area of Biker hangouts is probably subject to
    be noisy and offensive.. At least, that has been my experience.. <<

    That I know of, I wasn't in the area of a biker hangout. It was just three
    irresponsible riders who wanted to draw attention to themselves that
    disturbed the peace. I wish you could have seen the angry looks on the folks
    at the tables nearby me. It makes you understand why bike bans are on the

    Unfortunately they aren't using them. As a result, the public thinks they
    need to propose outright bans of motorcycles in certain areas rather than
    insisting that the cops enforce what's already on the books.
    Mick McHam Houston, Tx
    '99 ST1100ABS STOC# 1134
    '99 VFR800FI
    website: http://www.hal-pc.org/~mmcham
    Mick McHam, Nov 13, 2004
  17. <>I assume you dislike anyone riding or owning a harley? whats the deal.
      All rice boxes just as much or more noise down the road too!
    Steve............     01 FLHR with loud pipes!
    I don't think you were referring to me. I said I enjoyed the "Harley
    Sound". THe normal citizen, that ain't a Bike Rider,
    thinks all the big Cruisers, Yamaha,Honda,
    Kiwasocky, & Suzziki, are Harleys. Especially if they're Black with
    lotsa 'chrome! eh! Of course some of

    the so/called/Rice/metric-boxes can be loud.....O yeah, some of them
    are almost too loud.....

    ßjay jøhñ§øñ, Nov 13, 2004
  18. Mick McHam

    Bill Walker Guest

    I was at the rally.. The colors were patched vests and doo rags.. How about
    ordinances that would prohibit riders from wearing designer jackets and
    pants ? The location for the stop was on a state highway.. not inside the
    town.. How about if they just had an ordinance that made gold colored
    pickups illegal in the city limits ? Yeah.. you probably heard it from me
    or Brian..
    Depends.. Dawgs on Hawgs just had a real scary event a few months ago, at
    one of their rallies.. State troopers, constables and Sheriff dept. officers
    surrounded the city park and stopped everyone coming or going from the
    park.. They don't have to actually "ban" motorcycles, just harass the hell
    out of them..

    The city official who ordered the release of those bikers, made a comment
    afterwards that has stuck with me.. He said something like "You don't
    believe that we were actually going to really take serious action against
    these guys.. we were just teaching them a lesson." What freakin' lesson ?
    And those other bikers didn't over react, as they were accused of.. That
    damned town and that damned cop, as well as the town official over reacted
    when they jerked those people off a public highway to harass them and "teach
    them a lesson".. The bikers reacted appropriately when they went back to
    that miserable place and demanded that their friends be released,

    Those people were just going on their way and passing through, they should
    have been free to go on their way..
    Exactly.. surprisingly, there are many small towns with ordinances on their
    books which no one but locals are aware of.. Some of those ordinances are
    prejudicial, most likely they are on the books as tools for law enforcement
    to use to enhance revenues for the town.. That deal in Oklahoma was clearly
    a little of both.. plus an officer that was a bully, using his badge and gun
    to victimize the public.. Unacceptable..

    Much the same as you and I going into Stroker's and complaining about the
    noise, doo rags and chaps.. I wouldn't dare, would you ? I'd quietly leave
    and find another place.. hmmm.. sure do make good hamburger in there,
    though.. don't they ?

    Your friend in Irving
    Bill Walker
    Bill Walker, Nov 13, 2004
  19. Mick McHam

    Wakko Guest

    The scenery is nice, too. I kinda like watching the girls they have around
    there sometimes.
    Wakko, Nov 13, 2004
  20. Mick McHam

    Wakko Guest

    <>I assume you dislike anyone riding or owning a harley? whats the deal.
    All rice boxes just as much or more noise down the road too!
    Steve............ 01 FLHR with loud pipes!
    I don't think you were referring to me. I said I enjoyed the "Harley
    Sound". THe normal citizen, that ain't a Bike Rider,
    thinks all the big Cruisers, Yamaha,Honda,
    Kiwasocky, & Suzziki, are Harleys. Especially if they're Black with
    lotsa 'chrome! eh! Of course some of

    the so/called/Rice/metric-boxes can be loud.....O yeah, some of them
    are almost too loud.....

    There are times I like it, and times I don't. I would have to agree with the
    original poster in that I probably wouldn't have liked the noise if I was
    relaxing with friends, chatting it up, and having to stop in the middle of a
    sentence to let a long line of noisy bikes ride by.

    But I don't think it happens all that much, even to Joe Average. To pass a
    law against M/C for noise is outrageous. The only time anybody should
    complain about the noise is if they live near a clubhouse or biker bar or
    something. And then, they should just move...we were there first.
    Wakko, Nov 13, 2004
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