2-stoke lunacy :-)

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by SteveH, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    Picked up the ex-Sweller shite old ETZ300 from the Chateau today.

    After a bit of a YTC moment in the centre of Sutton [1] I'm pleasantly
    surpised with what it'll do.

    Went off the clock on the M25 / M40 on several occasions - even managed
    'MZ' mph at one point on a slight downhill section :)

    Ditched it at the inlaws for a while, until I get a chance to ride it
    home in daylight.

    Pics here:


    [1] I'd stupidly fiddled with the fuel tap without really knowing what I
    was doing, so got about 1/2 mile down the road and had drained the pipes
    and carb. Several minutes of kicking over later (to the amuzment of
    every pedestrian crossing the road), plus a couple of phone calls to
    Katie and desperately trying to get hold of TOG, I checked the tap.
    Turned it, kicked a few times and it burst into life..... got one hell
    of a bruise on the back of my calf where it kicked back, though.
    SteveH, Dec 15, 2003
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  2. SteveH

    catman Guest

    catman, Dec 15, 2003
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  3. I warned you. Did I not warn you???
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 15, 2003
  4. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    You did - but I wasn't thinking. Well, not thinking about the kick-back,
    more about the insurance payout if I chucked it in front of a passing
    SteveH, Dec 15, 2003
  5. SteveH

    Lozzo Guest

    The Older Gentleman said...
    I ended up fitting some Gericke armour into the back of my trousers when
    I had the XR400R. The kick-back was so nasty that I ended up with the
    mother of all bruises on the back of my leg, and I don't bruise easily.

    Lozzo : Old enough to know Champ
    ZZR1100D, GPZ500S, CB250RS x3
    BOTAFOT#57/70a, BOTAFOF#57, two#49(suspended), MIB#22, TCP#7, BONY#9,
    BotToS#8, GP#2, SBS#10, SH#3, DFV#14.
    Url for ukrm newbies : http://www.ukrm.net/faq/ukrmscbt.html
    http://www.glfuk.com/ for MJK Leathers in the UK.
    Lozzo, Dec 15, 2003
  6. SteveH

    sweller Guest

    You weren't the only one ...
    sweller, Dec 15, 2003
  7. SteveH

    Linger Guest

    I know this is gonna happen to me now but.....
    I have never had a kickback from a kickstart and I kick over two bikes most
    Linger, Dec 15, 2003
  8. SteveH

    Big Tony Guest

    How much is MZ mph? Although the engine is a little large, you could have
    the makings of a Frankfurt trip bike there.

    BTW Thanks for the bargain TV; it seems to be working OK so far. Also my
    indicator is still in place after following your tip.
    Big Tony, Dec 15, 2003
  9. SteveH

    SteveH Guest

    Somewhere in the region of 90mph, I reckon.

    Frankfurt sounds like a laugh - but, as you say, 300cc is a little on
    the large side. However.... it's only about 24bhp, so is probably only
    as powerful as some of the other qualifying bikes ;-)
    Good stuff. As I said at the time, the failure rate of the 'pikey' sets
    doesn't seem to be any higher than a lot of the branded kit.

    Glad the indicator trick worked - saved the cost of a new unit - which
    can't be cheap.
    SteveH, Dec 15, 2003
  10. SteveH

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Way too fast. I reckon cruising speed will be between 50 and 55mph.
    Don't be daft.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 15, 2003
  11. SteveH

    Pip Guest

    Was that you wot done ogden's, then?
    Pip, Dec 16, 2003
  12. SteveH

    SteveH Guest


    Shots taken with a camera-phone. Which is why they're shite.
    SteveH, Dec 16, 2003
  13. There's no telling some people, is there?
    The Older Gentleman, Dec 16, 2003
  14. SteveH

    Marc Donovan Guest

    You warned YTC about the Jawa too, and he didn't listen either.
    Maybe you should speak MORE S L O W L Y and L O U D L Y?
    Marc Donovan, Dec 16, 2003
  15. SteveH

    CT Guest

    Yes, exactly. Cameras are for taking pictures.
    Phones are for making phone calls.

    CT, Dec 16, 2003
  16. SteveH

    flashgorman Guest

    It is true that the MZ engine was actually modelled on a pile of waffles?
    flashgorman, Dec 16, 2003
  17. SteveH

    Ben Blaney Guest

    That's always been my view. I want a new phone, and I want a good one,
    but I specifically want one without a camera in it. This specification is
    proving demanding to fulfill.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 16, 2003
  18. SteveH

    sweller Guest

    I got a new one (T610) yesterday, it has a camera. I'm already bored
    with it. There's only a limited number of times that taking pictures of
    the cat's arse is entertaining.

    To make matters worse I've managed to mislay the fucking manual and the
    phone didn't copy all my contacts across properly. I can't work out how
    to merge phonebook entries, easily.

    The long winter evenings are going to fly by.
    sweller, Dec 16, 2003
  19. SteveH

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Can't you surreptiously get some of the...erm... talent around your place?

    Then email them to me.
    Ben Blaney, Dec 16, 2003
  20. You're only supposed to use cameraphones for porn! I thought
    *everyone* knew that!
    Power Grainger, Dec 16, 2003
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