1991 Honda CR250 fork seals

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by ninjanoss, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. ninjanoss

    ninjanoss Guest

    Hey there

    My right hand fork seal ha started to leak, on closer inspection i can
    see a minor score on one of the forks, i'm guessing this is causing the
    leak, doe's anyone have a quick fix, thank you in advance.
    ninjanoss, Sep 27, 2006
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  2. ninjanoss

    pete Guest

    Just in support, I have an 86 250 that had the exact problem, and just like
    Gene said, I used a wetstone to dress the scratch and my forks have been dry
    ever since,
    Just don't go all nutty taking off metal, you'll do fine
    pete, Sep 27, 2006
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  3. ninjanoss

    pcofranc Guest

    Probably best to rebuild it. Here's a couple of things to consider:
    get fork boots - they make dirt bike forks last a lot longer by keeping
    grit out.

    If you sand it wipe the chrome with brake cleaner then sand with
    300/600/1200 autobody sand paper from autozone, be sure to remove all
    sand left by the paper or that will eat thing up.

    You can also tie a dark piece of cloth below or on the leaking tube
    with zip ties. this will keep the oil off the brake rotor. However,
    if you loose too much fluid the fork(s) will bottom out and bend the
    upper tube. That costs big $$$ bucks.

    I advice taking both tube off and take 'em to a dealer to rebuild and
    also clean/grease the stem bearings. Also, the right tube usually
    leaks first, then the left - do both at the same time.

    pcofranc, Sep 27, 2006
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