All, I am just not happy with how this bike starts when cold. The twin carbs have a little lever that opens the throttle plates on both carbs slightly when you set full choke on. I've gone through the carbs on this bike throughly and the carb passageways are all clear. The choke also shuts the choke butterflies completely as it also bumps open the throttle plates a bit as I mentioned. However, this bike is a bear to get started when cold - and it's been a lot of that lately. After it's running, using full choke gets the desired effect - RPM goes up to about 3-4K. I've been experimenting with different techniques to start it - full choke for a few seconds then half, almost full choke so that the lever doesn't move the front throttle plates, raise arms to the starting gods, spit on the ground and spin around twice before trying to start (which usually works) - all to no avail. I have the mixture screws out 1 1/2 turns and when warm, runs fine. Any suggestions or history on these bikes - it's great otherwise. TIA, Pat