1975 Honda CB360T

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Brian Mader, Feb 8, 2004.

  1. I've owned a 360. never like it. Never owned a 350, though I've ridden a
    couple. It's just smaller and neater.
    The Older Gentleman, Feb 22, 2004
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  2. The 350 was smaller, lower and lighter. A bigger bike makes sense if
    you're large-framed and uncomfortable on something tiny, but otherwise
    less bulk = better bike. Or car. Or just about anything.

    The 360 was better equipped, had a six-speed box, and maybe a tad more
    power, but was still one of Honda's less successful designs. If they
    were serviced meticulously, they lasted. Otherwise the engine was a
    disaster zone: top end oiling problems, camchain problems, camchain
    tensioner problems.

    The only positive things that could be said about the 360 was that it
    looked quite nice and the CB250 version was much worse.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 1, 2005
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  3. Fine. You were lucky. Along with the CB500T, they were one of Honda's
    less successful twins.

    Easily done, given that the suspension was soggier than a three day-old
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 1, 2005
  4. *Shrug* Even contemporary UK roadtests criticised the back end as being
    horribly under-damped and under-sprung.... OK, maybe "soggy" wasn't
    quit the right word to use. "Crap" will do, though.
    chateau.murray, Mar 3, 2005
  5. Well, fine. It probably did serve your needs well. And your
    appreciation of exactly how a motorcycle should behave was certainly
    less well-honed then, compared with now, 30 years of experience later.

    I know the CB360 was a big seller in the US. It always puzzled us Brits
    because we couldn't see any really outstanding feature of the bike,
    while there were plenty of minus points.

    There again, if you wanted a mid-range (by the standards of the day)
    four-stroke, there was precious little choice until the Z400 came

    But why the US bought the 360 by the boatload, yet spurned the jewel
    that was the 400 Four (an utterly *massive* seller over here) was a
    complete mystery to us.
    chateau.murray, Mar 3, 2005
  6. Actually, the Z400 was launched in 1974/5, when the CB360 was still
    available. And the CB400 Four was launched in 1975/6 - again, while the
    360 was around. The Kawasaki S3 was launched in 1974, and metamorphosed
    into the KH400 a couple of years later. Many other 400 twins came along
    later, agreed.
    This sort of comment, I'm afraid, does you no credit, especially when
    I've already pointed out that at least three 400s were available at the
    time the CB360 was. I know the Z400 and 400 Four were sold in the US,
    and I'm pretty sure the S3/KH400 was too.
    What massive tax burden would that be, then? See below - Honda's pricing
    structure was more to blame for the CB750's extra cost in the UK.
    Again, you're right. The CB750 wasn't a massive hit in the UK. Our roads
    are, in general, twistier and we place a much higher premium on handling
    than the US does. People looked at the 400, saw that it was about 10mph
    slower than the mid-1970s CB750s (Ie: it did just over 100mph), handled
    and stopped *infinitely* better, and was a lot cheaper. And it had a
    much better riding position.

    Well, yes, I'd agree here.....
    I've heard that tale and also discounted it as bullshit.
    You're being unnecessarily acid here. The CB360 was just porridge on
    wheels - no redeeming features at all. Mine was nicely torquey, and very
    easy on fuel, but that was about it. Just forgettable.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 3, 2005
  7. Yup, that's about it.
    The Older Gentleman, Mar 3, 2005
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