I originally bought this bike from a lady who said she has not used this bike in a few years. I took the bike home and ordered an old mechanics book for the bike. I then proceeded to dismantle the entire carbs right down to the gaskets. My intentions were to replace all the parts but when I opened everthing up there was so much rust in this thing it was pathetic. The gas tank holy junk yard dreams batman, I had to get a tetanus shot just from looking at it. I cleaned out the carbs and derusted the tank, then I sealed the tank with a kit I bought from napa autostore. I also cleaned out the bowl beneath the gas tank (PSI) and the little screen in there. The Bike ran beautifully for about a month when I thought it needed an oil job. After taking it to Northern Cycles in Michigan the guy pointed out that I needed new tires and the works on this bike. After sinking 350 bucks to get this bike up to par I decided I would take on the task of changing my oil and filters. Well low and behold STUPID me... I put 15w30 into the oil... DOH... Yah Yah Yah I know.. Anyways I redid it after my engine froze up on me a few days after that. That was when I decided to look at the containers of oil again... Noticing that 3 of them were 15w30.. my bad for not looking at them... Anyways.. I drained the oil, put new plugs, new filter and new battery in. The bike started up but the problem is the drain lines are syphing gas like a drunk gerbil with a bladder problem.. And the blueish white smoke wont stop, and my muffler looks like a smoking gun when I shut the engine off. Plus my carbs are always in need o being unscrewed to allow the fuel to be drained so it wouldnt cut out.. Can someone help me with this monumental screw up?