160mph & OTL

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by John Carson, Jun 17, 2004.

  1. John Carson

    flash@work Guest

    ITYM "drunken cunts"
    flash@work, Jun 18, 2004
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  2. John Carson

    Ben Blaney Guest

    Because wanting people who do 160mph on public highways off the road
    makes you a wanker because that includes a good few people here.
    I've got a theory about this. He was over the limit, sure, but it
    doesn't say how much. I doubt he was blind drunk. Think how little
    you need to be over the limit. A couple of pints would do it. So I
    reckon he was probably nicely relaxed, and fancied cracking a bit.
    And relaxed is probably the perfect state of mind in which to do
    160mph. Would you rather he did it stone cold sober on his way to
    work after a row with the wife?

    For instance, last night I drove a mate home after the pub shut. I
    was a bit pissed. On the way, I attempted to beat my previous top
    score for speed around a particular roundabout near my mate's home.
    And I did. So, over the limit, and speeding, and probably reckless.
    But it was /perfectly safe/.
    Ben Blaney, Jun 18, 2004
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  3. John Carson

    dwb Guest

    Er hang on - surely the problem might/could be the combination of drink +
    riding at high speed - not the speed.

    WHat's wrong with doing 160mph?

    Equally what's wrong with being drunk?
    dwb, Jun 18, 2004
  4. John Carson

    flash@work Guest

    "Ben Blaney" wrote in message
    And the above would have been your defence in court yes?

    "No Judge" explained Ben patiently "Drinking *improves* your driving".
    flash@work, Jun 18, 2004
  5. John Carson

    dwb Guest

    My bike doesn't do 160mph :(

    But if it could...
    dwb, Jun 18, 2004
  6. John Carson

    Champ Guest

    So, what speed is your upper acceptable limit? I've had bikes that
    will indicate 160 or more since 1989, and done it on all of them. I'm
    assuming that makes me a **** who should be off the road, in your
    eyes. You'll not be surprised that I disagree.
    Champ, Jun 18, 2004
  7. John Carson

    Ace Guest

    Err, it just does. Like Champ, and many others here, I regularly
    exceed this speed[1]. If you think that makes me a **** who shouldn't
    be on the road then I'd definitely feel free to call you a wanker, and

    [1] On the clock, although having calibrated the gixxer against my GPS
    the other day[2] it seems I've only genuinely exceeded it on a couple
    of occasions.
    [2] It reads the standard 10% over (well, about 9.5% actually). So my
    max ever recorded speed of 280kph was actually only slightly over
    160mph genuine. No wonder it was still accelerating :)
    Ace, Jun 18, 2004
  8. John Carson

    HooDooWitch Guest

    I've said it before, and I'll stand by it. "Speed doesn't kill.
    Inappropriate speed kills".

    160 m.p.h. on a public highway, *any* public highway, IMO errs on the
    side of "inappropriate". If you want to do that speed, do it on a
    fucking track, there are plenty of opportunities for it and there are
    generally trained people around to deal with things if it all goes
    tits up. Bear in mind, there are people out there, pootling along on
    the highway who aren't quite expecting the closing speeds we're
    talking about here. Also things like lorries and lamposts and armco
    and diesel and Grannies doing 50 and trees help contribute towards the

    I've got Firemen friends who have had to scrape little bits of bikers
    off the front of lorries after "extremely high speed impacts" and
    apart from taking a very long time to get to the pub, they're
    generally not much fun to be with once they do arrive.

    By all means, put me in the "wanker" camp, I'll just pop you (and
    anyone else who feels the need to do this sort of speed on the public
    highway) in the "****" camp and we can worry about who's right over a
    pint sometime.
    HooDooWitch, Jun 18, 2004
  9. John Carson

    dwb Guest

    What if you do this speed on an empty road, that happens to be straight?

    Bit of a grey area - "inappropriate" once the legality is taken away.
    dwb, Jun 18, 2004
  10. John Carson

    Champ Guest

    It may surprise you to know that I can see lorries, lamposts and
    grannies, and adjust my speed accordingly. Are you really saying it's
    inappropriate to do 160 on a deserted motorway or dual carriageway.
    Or, say, up the mountain mile on the IoM (a straight A road with no
    turnings and high visibility).

    You've been riding 5 minutes, haven't you?
    Oh, the old "emergency services" gag. Coppers always trot out the
    "I've had to tell too many bereaved parents etc" line. Look, if they
    don't like it, they shouldn't do the job. It's like joining the army
    and complaining about being shot at.
    I don't drink much.
    Champ, Jun 18, 2004
  11. John Carson

    Ace Guest

    Already done.
    Like we'd care.
    I don't think so. Nothing to think about, see?
    Ace, Jun 18, 2004
  12. John Carson

    HooDooWitch Guest

    Champ <> somehow managed to post:

    <ponders reply, shrugs shoulders>
    HooDooWitch, Jun 18, 2004
  13. John Carson

    Switters Guest

    Hmmm haven't tried that. Isn't it difficult to hold the GPS steady at
    that speed though? I had enough trouble on the mountain bike at 20mph, I
    could hardly read the display.
    Switters, Jun 18, 2004
  14. John Carson

    Gunga Dan Guest

    Gunga Dan, Jun 18, 2004
  15. But what about being a member of Parliament?
    Mick Whittingham, Jun 18, 2004
  16. John Carson

    Verdigris Guest

    Come on, now! The speed you ride at has nothing to do with it.
    Verdigris, Jun 18, 2004
  17. John Carson

    deadmail Guest

    Well he was doing 160. OK, which of us haven't done an indicated 160 on
    public roads? I certainly have.

    And, he was over the limit. Here's a suggestion, breathalise people the
    morning after the night before and see how many pass.

    He has my sympathy, pissed- not clever- and speeding results in jail...
    there but for the grace of God go I.
    deadmail, Jun 19, 2004
  18. John Carson

    deadmail Guest

    Mate, you're an absolute start. This country needs people like you,
    come home soon.
    deadmail, Jun 19, 2004
  19. John Carson

    Ginge Guest

    Me. But only as I've never onwned a bike that'll do 160.

    I have done an indicated 157 on the R6 though, with full luggage and a
    Ginge, Jun 19, 2004
  20. On Sat, 19 Jun 2004 08:39:06 +0100, wrote:

    [going fast]
    I haven't but then I don't go fast.
    Paul Corfield, Jun 19, 2004
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