159MPH isn't speeding then?.....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by RT, May 18, 2005.

  1. RT

    RT Guest

    ....... according to Ludlow Judges who have just let a Policeman off for
    speeding on the M54 at 159MPH and 84MPH in a 30MPH zone in Telford.

    RT, May 18, 2005
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  2. RT

    WavyDavy Guest

    Just what I was thinking...

    I mean, I can understand how the ranks can be closed and they'd find not
    guilty of dagerous driving ("I am a highly trained police driver" etc etc
    etc), but how did they decide to acquit on the speeding grounds? Surely you
    either are or are not speeding...?

    Nice to see that it was another case of getting caught by their own onboard
    camera. Not nice that they evidence can be disregarded completely. I'd
    have expected them to give him 3 points and a slap at the next Lodge meeting
    at least.

    WavyDavy, May 18, 2005
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  3. RT

    TimP Guest

    They used the defence that as he was "training himself" he was
    effectively on duty, so was exempt from speed restrictions. It's nice
    that even though "speed kills", it doesn't matter that he wasn't doing
    anything essential to justify breaking the limit.

    I read recently [1] that there are 25,000 police vehicles in service,
    and there were 21,000 accidents involving police vehicles last year.

    Right, I think I'll go and familiarise myself with the characteristics
    of my CBR600 now. I'll let you know if I manage to beat his poxy

    [1] and obviously CBA to find the reference
    TimP, May 18, 2005
  4. RT

    fish Guest

    This is probably correct but I can tell you as a member of the emergency
    services that every little bump has to be accounted for weather it is a tiny
    scratch when parking or a full RTA. People never leave enough room for our
    vehicles to get down narrow streets, so we end up hitting them(1) sometimes.

    But having said that some people are idiots. I got attacked last year and
    phoned the police and the female police driver drove straight in to the side
    of our parked vehicle. The best bit was my mate who was legally incharge of
    the vehicle but in the back "restraining" the attacker with me got
    breathalysed on scene and given a producer.

    (1) I do think it is justified some times.

    fish, May 18, 2005
  5. RT

    'Hog Guest

    You couldn't make this stuff up. Unbelievable.

    'Hog, May 18, 2005
  6. RT

    AndrewR Guest

    Can I read "Fred Basset" when you've finished with it?

    AndrewR, D.Bot (Celeritas)
    Kawasaki ZX-6R J1, Fiat Coupe 20v Turbo
    BOTAFOT#2,ITJWTFO#6,UKRMRM#1/13a,MCT#1,DFV#2,SKoGA#0 (and KotL)
    BotToS#5,SBS#25,IbW#34, DS#5, COSOC# Suspended, KotTFSTR#
    The speccy Geordie twat.
    AndrewR, May 18, 2005
  7. Just absolutely unbelievable...

    I'm both gobsmacked and sadly unsuprised.

    Funny handshakes all round?
    David Sillitoe., May 18, 2005
  8. RT

    wessie Guest

    Paul Carmichael emerged from their own little world to say
    It's probably the most illiberal place in Shropshire too. The local
    judiciary probably think all policemen should carry guns and shoot
    miscreants on sight.

    Funny how, even after 2 years, there was not a time slot in the courts in
    Telford or Shrewsbury.
    wessie, May 18, 2005
  9. RT

    Alex Ferrier Guest

    Not any more dontchaknow. The place is full of moneyed types up from London
    wearing their finest country tweeds, wandering the streets between Michelin
    starred restaurants. It's a mock town these days. Not like the genuine
    community I used to get strife in when I occasionally went drinking there as
    lad. Now if you want a one horse town, Leominster is yer baby.

    BMW R1150GS
    Windy's "little soldier"
    Alex Ferrier, May 18, 2005
  10. "Ludlow Judges"? It's a one horse town with one and a half magistrates
    at most. And they're probably dead.


    CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird
    BOTAFOT #4
    BOTAFOF #30
    MRO #24
    Paul Carmichael, May 18, 2005
  11. RT

    Alan Guest

    Alan, May 18, 2005
  12. Well that was hapenning when I lived there (for quite a few years). It
    used to be a training ground for young coppers, then suddenly there
    weren't any at all, and if you phoned the fuzz, the call got redirected
    to Leominster. Now, if you go into town on a Saturday night, the shop
    doorways are full of drunken kids. It's also become a violent place
    (there always used to be battles between the local yoof and the Tenbury
    Wells or Leominster yoof, but now the abuse is directed at ordinary bods).


    CBR1100XX SuperBlackbird
    BOTAFOT #4
    BOTAFOF #30
    MRO #24
    Paul Carmichael, May 18, 2005
  13. RT

    tallbloke Guest

    tallbloke, May 18, 2005
  14. RT

    raden Guest

    Not even got a brewery anymore
    raden, May 18, 2005
  15. RT

    Owen Guest

    But in all fairness, the officer was a police driving instructor, he
    has to know how the vehicle will handle, he has to get practice... How
    else will he get this experience?
    1 Black, shortly to undergo extensive surgery.
    1 Red, undergoing lightweight surgery. -----
    1 Blue, for Power-Ranger baiting. | o |
    Numbers ... | o |
    Stuff ... | ooo |
    Life ... -----
    Owen, May 19, 2005
  16. RT

    Ace Guest

    Quite so. Smacks of jealousy, pure and simple, IYAM.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, May 19, 2005
  17. RT

    Alan Guest

    Thats not all it hasn't got. Thank God I don't live there - it's a
    seriously depressing place.
    Alan, May 19, 2005
  18. RT

    Steve Parry Guest

    Closed track/road, far away from the possibility of incidents with
    innocent members of the public?

    Steve Parry
    K100RS SE & F650
    and a 520i SE Touring for comfort

    (not forgetting the SK90PY)

    Steve Parry, May 19, 2005
  19. RT

    Ace Guest

    Don't be daft.

    ..'_/_|_\_'. Ace (brucedotrogers a.t rochedotcom)
    \`\ | /`/ GSX-R1000K3
    `\\ | //' BOTAFOT#3, SbS#2, UKRMMA#13, DFV#8, SKA#2
    Ace, May 19, 2005
  20. RT

    Steve Parry Guest

    So in your view it's acceptable for a public servant to put innocent
    members of the public at risk whilst they're "training" ?

    The police close sections of road off for many things, to close a
    section of for training during some quiet period does'nt sound daft to
    me. Having the possibility of someone commiting some minor misjudgment
    whilst having a 160 mph car bearing down on them does. If it were as
    safe as your response implies then F1 drivers would never get into
    trouble, and they have the benefit of all driving in the same direction
    with drivers of similar skill levels.

    He was posing to his passenger, and should have been treated the same as
    any other speeder.

    Steve Parry
    K100RS SE & F650
    and a 520i SE Touring for comfort

    (not forgetting the SK90PY)

    Steve Parry, May 19, 2005
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