1200 Wing Slide?

Discussion in 'Motorbike Technical Discussion' started by Runk, Apr 3, 2005.

  1. Runk

    Runk Guest

    Look'n for some idea's on where I can get a Diaphragm/Vacuum Piston
    (Sometimes called a Slide) . Did a Goggle search and didn't come up with
    much . Haven't checked a Dealer yet , I try to avoid their prices when
    possible. Thanks Runk........
    Runk, Apr 3, 2005
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  2. Even if you found a salvage yard that had a set of carbs for a
    1200 Wing, they probably wouldn't want to take one carb apart to sell
    you just the slide, they'd want to maximize their profits by selling
    you the whole bank of carbs, and they'd be making unsellable junk out
    of what the had, just to do you the favor of selling you what you
    actually need...

    Sometimes you have to pay what seems like a lot of money to get just
    the part you need. But, if the problem you have now is one rubber
    diaphragm that just has a small tear in it, you could try doing what I
    did. I had some thin sheets of natural rubber, and I used rubber cement
    to glue small strips of that rubber over the holes in the diaphragm.
    And it worked. The rubber should go on the bottom of the diaphragm, so
    air pressure underneath will psuh against the patch...
    krusty kritter, Apr 3, 2005
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