The cheap-as-chips DR650 I bought to tide me over until I get the "real" bikes registered[1] appears to be vibrating apart faster than I can screw it back together. To be fair, it was extremely cheap by local standards and seems to have spent at least as much time exploring the scenery without the benefit of a rider than with a rider... Anyway, given my preference for big sod-off tourers for daily use, I couldn't help that you can find 1100 & 1200 Goldwings for very reasonable money out here. Basically, within a 20 mile radius there's an 1100 Aspencade w/ 37k on the clock and a 1200 Interstate with 27k on the clock. I'm pretty sure I could find more around these price levels if I looked over in California... Anyway, apart from the usual stuff like traces of horizontal biking and consumables, anything specific to look for[2]? [1] While I do finally have all the paperwork, I do appear not to be able to insure them for daily use because they're weird furrin' bikes. [2] Yeah, another dirt bike. I know. But for off-roading I better get my ShiteOldJeep fixed up again because I'd rather take Ann out in the Jeep than on the back of a dirt bike.