£35.4m going spare....

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by Cane, Aug 11, 2007.

  1. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    The first argument I can appreciate.
    deadmail, Aug 12, 2007
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  2. Cane

    Dan L Guest


    But you French aren't you?

    Doh, silly me, you're not really, are you.

    Dan L

    1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr

    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005/6/7)
    BOMB#18 (slow)
    Dan L, Aug 12, 2007
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  3. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    Well, quite, the point I was making is air carriers are nothing to do
    with defending the British Isles, they're to do with 'other stuff'.
    deadmail, Aug 12, 2007
  4. Cane

    AW Guest

    Same has happened in the army and RAF. Huge cuts in capability, many
    things being cut with no replacement or to save a few mill here or
    there. The Jaguar force, comparatively cheap was due to disband later
    this year (but still ahead of its ability to remain in useful
    service), cut in May to save literally a couple of million. There's
    no replacement in place.

    All in the face of the highest level of deployment since WW2. Makes
    no sense to me.
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  5. Cane

    AW Guest

    Indeed. About 10 years "wasted".

    It would have been way to expensive with out US involvement and a buy
    for the US Marines who have everything predicated on F35.
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  6. Cane

    Dan L Guest

    B,B,B,But it's all wroted in some foreign lingo. I tried shouting at
    it and even finished each word with an "o", but I couldn't unnerstayned
    it, so I jest nutted the screen like.

    Dan L

    1996 Kawasaki ZR1100 Zephyr

    BOTAFOT #140 (KotL 2005/6/7)
    BOMB#18 (slow)
    Dan L, Aug 12, 2007
  7. Cane

    AW Guest

    RN Sea HARriers and RAF Harrier GR3.
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  8. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    (The Older Gentleman) wrote in
    I'm no great fan of the armed forces; view them as a bit of a tool used
    to polish politician's egos.

    There was something on in the small hours recently looking at the
    Thatcher Years. Apparently Callaghan was green with envy that Thatcher
    got to win a war.
    deadmail, Aug 12, 2007
  9. Cane

    AW Guest

    Probably not but that wasn't your question.

    Maybe not, but you need to get the politicos to make that decision.
    Given that the appetite politically is there to send our forces out,
    then they need the best kit possible. Which admittedly would be a sea-
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  10. Cane

    AW Guest

    To be sure. Force projection.
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  11. Cane

    SteveH Guest

    Would it have been that expensive? - especially if we were going to keep
    them in service for longer? - or is the Harrier now so outdated that it
    would have been useless to keep it in service for another 20 years?

    What I don't understand is why, given the size of the new carriers,
    we're investing so much money in the STOVL variant of the Lightning II.

    I understand the new carriers are designed to take catapults and
    arrestors, but they were considered too expensive to implement and
    operate? - surely not more expensive than having to develop a new STOVL
    SteveH, Aug 12, 2007
  12. Cane

    AW Guest

    That's a point against the politcos, not against the forces though.
    But I agree. But given that the politicos send the forces in, whether
    to polish their egos or not, then those forces shouldn't be given less
    than what they need.
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  13. Cane

    AW Guest

    Christ yes. You're looking at a wholesale redesign of the whole front
    end, cockpit and so on for a buy of maybe 20-30 airframes, plus the
    radar as Blue Fox was prtty basic 20 years ago. Plus given the record
    of BAe it would have been overbudget and late.

    The SHAR could have stood a few years more service, albeit was was
    getting pretty long in the tooth.
    Mainly because it's what the US is building so we "have" to go with
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  14. <sigh> ~I didn't put my point across very well, so it's hardly a
    surprise you missed it.

    ne'er mind.
    doetnietcomputeren, Aug 12, 2007
  15. Cane

    SteveH Guest

    Oh, right. Just my rose-tinted specs., colouring my view I suppose.

    I was in the ATC when I was a teenager - until it was pointed out that
    the RAF wouldn't let anyone with glasses fly fast jets. Didn't last long
    after that. Totally blew all my ambitions out of the water, it did.

    Anyway, it was kit like the Harrier that attracted me to the idea.
    SteveH, Aug 12, 2007
  16. Geordie or Scouse?
    doetnietcomputeren, Aug 12, 2007
  17. Cane

    Timo Geusch Guest

    That may well be, if we're talking about the ones carried on UK subs.
    Timo Geusch, Aug 12, 2007
  18. Cane

    AW Guest

    Crap sight put my young piloting ambitions back as well. I did join
    up though - where I first met that SD....
    AW, Aug 12, 2007
  19. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    Hmm. We spend far too much money on this sort of nonsense and far too
    little on things that matter; e.g. education.

    If I'm going to bitch and moan about something around 'defense' it'll be
    around the governments use of it and not lobbying them to throw more
    money at it.
    deadmail, Aug 12, 2007
  20. Cane

    deadmail Guest

    Eh? I've not expressed any contempt anywhere in this thread. "I'm no
    great fan of the armed forces" is not 'contempt'.
    deadmail, Aug 12, 2007
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