£ island - Public Health Announcement

Discussion in 'UK Motorcycles' started by boxerboy, Oct 31, 2009.

  1. boxerboy

    'Hog Guest

    It certainly is not!
    'Hog, Nov 3, 2009
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  2. They reckon that for every euro paid into the pot that they recieved
    6 back 5 years ago
    steve robinson, Nov 3, 2009
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  3. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    The figures I've seen are 200 billion euros transferred to the EU as
    fish and 40 billion transferred to Ireland as money.
    Actually, Irish financiers did operate outside Irish law, weak as that
    is: the false accounting at Anglo Irish bank, the operation of large
    scale tax frauds by every bank and the outright theft from customers
    would be the obvious examples. No prosecutions of course and those
    crooks are now saying that the rest of us should pay for it.
    They chose to, because they (politicians, economists, business
    `leaders') chose, self-servingly, to propagate the lies about
    trickle-down and `wealth creation'.
    Germany didn't, and doesn't, believe in the crap about deregulation
    and `wealth creators' that the English-speaking world has to put up
    Realistically, no. Remember that Ireland has been, in many ways, a
    failed state since independence. There were good reasons for that for
    a long time, but by the early 90s, there was no excuse. For people who
    go through it, the education system is very good (certainly better
    than England's) and, until recently, it was culturally and socially
    sound. The problem is that the Irish recession is not happening in a
    country which was doing well and then hit a bad spot: this is
    basically a return to the 80s which were bad, but not that much worse
    than the previous decades. The big question is whether not emigration
    kicks off again. In the past, it was the safety valve which kept
    things quiet, but so many young people are stuck with mortgages that
    are too high on houses they can't sell that emigration might not be an
    option. That means unemployment will be even worse than in the 80s.

    As for the UK, it's a self-satisfied second rate economy with a
    mediocre class system that thinks throwing money at bankers is a
    substitute for investment in productive industry, but it has a culture
    of public service (NHS etc) which means that it might be able to
    recover and turn into a grown up country rather than a weeping crone
    nostalgic for world domination. Frankly, I'd rather be here.
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
  4. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    Typo: should have read `but *not* to those from the rest of the UK'.
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
  5. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    No they're not, unless they satisfy residency requirements (usually
    three year minimum period for some reason other than to receive
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
  6. That includes residency in other EU , EEA countries or Switerland in
    the prevous 3 years from the infomation i have infront of me
    steve robinson, Nov 3, 2009
  7. Below is a copy of the infomation supplied to my eldest

    Home rates
    Home rates typically range from £1,100 (or nothing if you meet the
    necessary earning requirements or get a bursary) to £3,500 - this was
    increased from £1,100 in 2006, and are known as top-up fees.

    To find out the exact fees for a course you wish to apply to you will
    need to contact the university directly, often you can find fees on
    the university’s website.

    Will I pay the Home Rate or Overseas Rate?
    There are actually 10 categories that you can fall in to in order to
    be eligible to pay the home rate fees for a UK university. These are
    as follows:

    •1) Students settled in the UK who are residents.
    Under this you must meet all of the following:

    •You must be settled in the UK on the first day of the first year of
    the academic course.
    •You must be ordinarily resident of the UK on the first day of the
    first year of the academic course and you must have been so for the 3
    years up until this point.
    •The main purpose of your residence must NOT have been to receive
    full time education during any part of that three year period.
    •2) Those who are settled in the UK and have exercised a right of
    residence in the EEA and/or switzerland
    Under this you must meet all of the following:

    •You have settled in the UK
    •You have left the UK and have exercised a right of residence having
    been settled in the UK a
    •You must be ordinarily resident of the UK on the first day of the
    first year of the academic course
    •You have been ordinarily resident in the EEA and / or Switzerland
    and / or the overseas territories for the 3 years proceeding the
    first day of the first year of the academic course
    •3) European Union (EU) nationals and their family members
    Under this you must meet all of the following:

    •on the ‘first day of an academic year of your course’, you must be a
    national of an EU country (see notes below) or or as a student; or
    the 'relevant family member' of a UK national;the 'relevant family
    member' of a non-UK EU national who is in the UK as a self sufficient
    •you must have been ordinarily resident in the European Economic Area
    (EEA) and/or Switzerland and/or the overseas territories for the
    three years before the 'first day of the first academic year of the
    •the main purpose of your residence in the EEA/Switzerland (or the
    overseas territories if applicable) must not have been to receive
    full-time education during any part of the three-year period.
    steve robinson, Nov 3, 2009
  8. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    Those requirements apply if you want a student loan. You cannot get a
    *grant* unless you are studying in Wales or your course started before
    September 2006 in England or NI.
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
  9. han it gained from EU transfers.
    And surely also a sympathetic tax regime and also good euro-financed
    incentives for non-European companies to place their European operations
    in Ireland (e.g. Dell IIRC)
    stephen.packer, Nov 3, 2009
  10. In which case we should sack all of the foreign fuckers who are
    lecturing in our great export industry.
    stephen.packer, Nov 3, 2009
  11. boxerboy

    'Hog Guest

    Irish boats have doubled their catch since joining the EU. They have
    also increased their percentage catch of fish caught in Irish waters.
    They have bucked a trend of falling EU fleets by growing in numbers by
    over 10%. I just checked and since 2000 the Irish fish industry has
    received E65b in aid and over 70% of the catch is sold into the EU so is
    tarrif free.

    It should be obvious as soon as you look at that E200b number that
    something is up with the numbers anti types bandy around. There aren't
    that many fish! The total catch in Irish waters was E9b over 10 years.

    So look at the subsidy and aid figures against the fish catch, and the
    fish caught in non Irish waters by Irish boats, and see that the EU has
    literally maintained every Irish fish industry worker.
    'Hog, Nov 3, 2009
  12. boxerboy

    'Hog Guest

    If fraud and theft ocurred then the Gardai should have investigated. If
    it is public domain how could they not.
    Economists too to believing in "Models" over practical experience and
    common sense. I believe they have started to realise the mistakes. As
    for trickle down, no that's bollocks. Companies need to have a min-max
    wage balance imposed and for there to be common relative benefits for
    all grades in terms of Contracts and Pensions. Just for a start.
    Where are they going to go. The UK and US employment figures are
    dismal. Chinese wages are worth SFA in Euro terms. I think it's just a
    long hard road ahead with unemployment figures of 10-15% here and in the
    US, with the trend being up.

    I just checked and unemployment for black males in the US is already
    over 15% and rising (though only 7% for Asians).
    Aint that the truth, and the scale on which it just happened and how
    easy it was to push through tell me it won't ever change.
    I think unemployment will rise a lot more. Overall Tax take will rise
    and so the "real" economy will shrink further. Society will erode a
    further significant degree. But yes it will remain a lot better than
    many places.
    'Hog, Nov 3, 2009
  13. Forty three posts so far today! Absolutely.
    stephen.packer, Nov 3, 2009
  14. boxerboy

    'Hog Guest

    Haha you made me laugh out loud you old Gimmer.
    We could refloat the economy by exporting electricity generated using
    Hot Air
    'Hog, Nov 3, 2009
  15. boxerboy

    petrolcan Guest

    petrolcan, Nov 3, 2009
  16. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    And then watch it collapse.
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
  17. boxerboy

    ginge Guest

    A huge amount of the boom wasn't R&D or specialties though, it was
    helpdesks, parts assembly and the like, using large numbers of
    semi-skilled English speaking staff, and exploiting the favourable
    Euro exchange rate and preferential tax perks.

    You just have to look at all the big tech companies that pulled the
    plug once the Euro climbed, and they got more for the Rupee and the
    ginge, Nov 3, 2009
  18. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    Because Ireland doesn't work like that. An Oireachtas investigation
    identified the banks (all of them) which ran large tax evasion schemes.
    Nobody has been prosecuted, neither the bankers who did it, nor the
    customers who profitted.
    They'll go, if they go, to Germany or France or wherever there is
    work. Unemployment will be high, the question is whether or not
    emigration will help to keep it down.
    We're talking about the Irish, not the swarthiest people on earth.
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
  19. boxerboy

    ginge Guest

    Saboteur and industrial spy, eh?
    ginge, Nov 3, 2009
  20. boxerboy

    M J Carley Guest

    Eleven of the forty three academics in my department are from outside
    the UK. You would be in real trouble if we all left.
    M J Carley, Nov 3, 2009
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